It’s hard to be the parent of a rocket with no guidance chip

Ah, a kindred spirit. I often wait for images to load.

This changed my life. I told my family about this. I had to explain many times, even with the video.

Why has he been pounding protein shakes, tuna, and eggs between chest and back day?

You’re a normal lawyer. I believe we have all felt that way at some point. Try scheduling something to look forward to and then follow through. Plan a day trip, tickets to a show, personal day. Also, make sure that you are checking all the necessary self care boxes, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercise (seriously, exercise, I know you’re thinking how am I gonna have time to exercise if I can’t meet billables, but make time for this very important thing) and the like. Once you are sure that you are taking care of yourself, then consider doing a psychotherapy analysis to confirm that you don’t need some other form of support. The fatigue after urgent task and inability to focus could be a result of neglecting yourself or it could be that your coping mechanisms that worked fine before aren’t cutting it now.

I would watch a reality show of camera operators capturing events because they are amazing. I especially like the guy running full speed, turned sideways, and holding what looks to be a heavy camera at a track and field event.

They are sisters. We plan to train them separately. This breed is happier with buddies so we decided to try siblings. Wish us luck.

Eastern US, Appalachian mountains, WV