she could move into a 55+ complex that has people her age and organized events and shared meals so she wouldn't be lonely unless it was by her choice.

Before you allow MIL to babysit in your new home, make sure she understands that FIL is not welcome. Then get a nanny cam and don't tell her about it. Review the recordings and that will tell you if you can trust her or not. Daycare is expensive and it would be less expensive for new parents to have MIL babysit if she is trustworthy.

Be sure to let the entire family know that if your brother takes the car without your permission that you will be calling the police and filing a report for grand theft auto .... a felony.

The fact that he admitted to knowing about this for a few days and didn't discuss it with you should send up massive red flags. He knew he was in the wrong is why it was brought up in front of his parents.

Since bio mom doesn't want you parenting her daughter, she can make arrangements for the daughter to spend those weeks with someone in her family.

definitely go over the principal's head to the school board or the superintendent of schools.

tell her that you will be cooking for your dad and yourself but that she should plan on fixing something for herself. Then never cook for her again.

I would be willing to wager a large amount of money that you are not the only daughter-in-law or sister-in-law that doesn't like the family tradition but felt they had no choice.

Since you are a chef, I am guessing that you cook professionally somewhere. You should send Gwen a menu with the phone number to order take out meals.

Many years ago my then husband and I were at a casino playing slot games. He was sitting next to a very tiny, very old lady. She made a soft sound and slumped over, leaning on my husband's shoulder. She had died. I got security and they found her son, age 40ish, after they got the lady on the guerney, her made them stop so he could cash out her slot machine. It was like less than $5.00...people are weird.

when my son was 13 to 14, he was frequently getting in my purse to see what cash I had and taking a couple of bills. When asked, he would always deny getting in my purse. I broke him of that habit by putting in a pair of satin panties and a vibrator in my purse for him to find. He found them and never went in my purse again. He is now 41 and if I ask him to get something out of my purse, he won't. He will bring me my purse and let me get whatever out of it myself.

sounds like she wants to break up with you but has legit grounds so she is being awful to you in hopes you will break up with her. This way she can tell her friends it wasn't her fault.

From reading your post, it sounds like you have lupus or a related auto-immune disorder. I have systemic lupus and continuous stress is the one thing that will make me sick immediately. I dumped a husband that was creating more stress than I could handle. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself. Please think about leaving your husband for your own health. Living without the stress is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Be careful that any changes in A are genuine. By taking M out of the house, A got what she wanted ... being an only child.

Let his family support him and pay for his truck. You might be surprised at how fast he gets a job at that point.

instead of buying a new phone, you can go into settings and do a reset. That will clear everything out that was added after it left the factory I believe.

why are you dealing with the cousin instead of the fiance' dealing with her?

you knew he had a daughter when you started dating him. You are a MAJOR AH !!

If it's not wrong why haven't you and she told both spouses about it?

If he is so immature to think farting in your face in public is funny, he is too immature to spend the night away from home.

Be very careful right now. She may have been cheating and gotten pregnant. She may think you would be the better father than the AP so she wants to have sex with you so when she has the "premature" baby, she can pass it off as yours.

Take your towels and shower / hygiene items out of the shared bathroom. If they aren't available, she will have to get / use her own.