probably says more about the kind of people who follow political channels on youtube than it does anything else

It's just an extension of the rule that says that no rechargeable batteries can go into checked bags. Most vapes have them but people don't always think about it. carry-on in this case means anything you carry into the cabin.

it's a way to do a fist bump that's less aggressive than 👊

Life's too short to play games like that. If they're right, they're right.

Sorry that nobody recognized the copypasta lol

Someone never watched cartoons and it shows


Although the dude still screaming “get the fuck away” after she was already being stomped was also kind of a dick.

Paper wasps are usually pretty chill, this is just animal abuse

It’s because you’re so short that you need to use child-sized facilities, right?

“Hearken well, oh ye people of the Lord;
The style of hair that now finds favor among young heretics,
That which resembles the crown of a broccoli plant,
It is an abomination against the Lord most high,
And surely those who rudely display this style
Shall find no place in the kingdom of heaven.”

Hear would probably kill me sooner or later