I honestly don’t understand posts like these. I don’t notice that black women are cold and mean to each other by default at all.

What are you doing to be the epitome of a supportive friend yourself? And remember, “supportive friend” contains two words, both of which take effort and time.

I actually do know a Ghengis. I don’t think its variations are terribly uncommon in parts of Asia.

They didn’t ask you for anything or try to bait you into anything. Unless you are a flat ass fake eye lashes bald headed bitch who stood someone up in the park on Memorial Day, this is just a wrong number. Possibly given on purpose because the girl who was supposed to meet this lunatic in the park doesn’t want them to have any way to contact her.

I’m 33. This past week has been a heavy drinking week, I’ve had maybe 10. Average is more like 2 drinks a week lately. I haven’t been hung over in a while, but I find that has as much to do with what I drink as it does with how much I drink. Beer, seltzer, and most wine doesn’t affect me poorly, most liquor I can barely touch. So I just stick with what doesn’t bother me.

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This specific statement can’t be read as a different thing. It’s a poorly worded (intentionally, as a joke) sign that is supposed to be initially read as “we plan to cut homelessness in half by 2025” until you pause and think “hey, wait a second.” You cannot replace “homelessness” with “all homeless people” and have the same meaning in any sentence I can conceive of, though.

However, a sentence can mean two different things at the same time. Not this sentence, but others can. Often the cause is a word or phrase having two different meanings, both of which make grammatical sense in the context of the sentence.

New Poster

I’ve honestly noticed a lot of deleting with this reason given when 90-99% of the responses are not rude. A bunch of constructive answers and one jerk who was already downvoted to oblivion shouldn’t be causing you to delete or add an overwrought edit.

Or even sometimes when no answers are rude, but some are blunt, rather than tiptoeing around the answer and full of smile emojis. It could be cultural, but that’s also an important English lesson to learn. Many English speaking cultures are quite direct compared to others, and if you’re going to speak English in those cultures, it’s best to learn quickly that someone saying “no, don’t say it that way, it’s offensive” isn’t yelling at you or saying you’re a horrible person for even asking.

You are not expected to tip at fast food restaurants at all. Prior to about 2020, the only fast food restaurants where you even could tip were coffee/smoothie shops and certain sub restaurants.

Those card readers/iPads come pre-programmed with a tip option, so it’s not the employees or store management “asking for a tip.” It may not even be something the corporate offices decided on.

You forgot the throngs of alleged mothers in law, mothers, and stepmothers insisting that “only the bride wears white” was invented last Thursday, and anyway, this is technically pale eggshell and not white so no one will mistake it for a wedding dress, duh.

“Wanker” doesn’t have the same reputation for vulgarity in the US as it does in the UK. We all know that it is a negative way to refer to someone, and what action it’s based on, but it just isn’t something people would find vulgar, merely rude. A similar American term is “jagoff.” We know what it means, but a show meant for adults likely wouldn’t censor it. Americans also sometimes use British swear words as a way to censor their own swearing. “Bloody” and “arse” come to mind. Even if it’s seen as crude in the UK, it just isn’t at the same level in the US even though we know exactly what they mean.

Malcolm in the Middle is basically a 7 year long sex joke.

I try, especially now that Sprouts doesn’t have free bags. I’m not great at it but getting better.

Not officially, but bachelorette parties do often involve themed outings where the bride-to-be wears white and everyone else wears something different. It’s hardly “stunning” for someone to bring a white dress, but I wouldn’t do it. Of course, the easiest way to avoid a slightly awkward mishap like this is to just say “the theme is XYZ, bring an outfit in this color, the bride to be will wear a white version” in advance or print up t shirts or something.

If that something is within the bounds of my job description, is not hazardous, and doesn’t seem like it would have a negative impact on the company/violates policy, yes. I can see questioning it. If I’m working on something else or the task seems to contradict what we normally do, I’m getting clarification or perhaps requesting that it be delegated to someone else. If I simply don’t enjoy the task, but it makes sense and is reasonable, I’d just do it.

The reality is often complicated. Sometimes people in authority push their authority, or feel they don’t need to explain things to their subordinates. Wrong. But I’ve also worked with plenty of people who think that if it wasn’t explicitly, in their preferred wording, covered on their first day of training, they are never expected to do that task. If that was true, no one at any job I’ve ever worked at would ever have been expected to sweep the floor, even though sweeping the floor was expected and well within the job description for maybe 60% of those jobs.

Being genuinely kind often requires being less tolerant, or at least less passive.

Smiley-doo people who just never engage in conflict because “that’s not nice” aren’t kind or good people. Silently tolerating shitty behavior because it isn’t nice teaches shitty people that their behavior is acceptable, and teaches the victims of shitty behavior that no one will ever stand up for them. Even when the shitty behavior doesn’t have a third party victim, worrying more about “being nice” and not hurting anyone’s feelings than being correct can be dangerous.

In my experience, yes, and you are going to get a lot more if you express yourself as “politically moderate/apathetic” (you need to understand that to most white people on dating sites, this pretty much exclusively means “hardcore conservative who likes weed”. If that’s how you present yourself, that’s who you’re going to get).

Though I’ve encountered quite a lot of conservative white men who exclusively seem to chase openly leftist, politically active women of color.

I don’t think it’s anything deep. Despite the posting on here insisting we are the least loved, white men in particular geographic areas aren’t particularly picky about a woman’s race, regardless of their political bent (the exception usually being “active white supremacists”). They aren’t trying to prove they aren’t racist, because they don’t feel there’s anything to prove. Their primary qualifications are “woman” and “attractive,” everything else is secondary. If they see a black woman and she isn’t ugly, they want to date her, same as if they see a woman of any other race who isn’t ugly. If they’re a Trumper, they rationalize their beliefs as not being racist. The deepest thought they might put into it is “they don’t mean that kind of black person,” but even that deep of thinking is not a guarantee.

I get that this is supposed to be a parable, but god is it awful. Fundies need to read more fiction books, because a narrative is supposed to make sense within itself. It’s like she learned to write by reading Reddit posts made by teenagers. It’s also really telling that the “I went too far in Vegas” bit is supposed to be true, but she never gives a hint on what it is that she did wrong that would have sent her to hell/metaphorical parable prison. It really falls flat as a “Jesus died for your personal sins, which we all commit as flawed and wretched humans” sermon when you can’t even admit that you used to sin too, it’s relatable, but through the power of Christ you can overcome it. I have to assume that what she did was ether so insignificant that even other fundies don’t consider it a sin, or so absolutely awful that Jesus might forgive her, but no one else will.

Reddit loves the idea that any woman reacting to any man with less than total adoration is “calling him a creep,” and “creep” always equals “pedophile or rapist.” It’s so weird. People truly believe that if a woman mildly side-eyes any guy, it will ruin his “reputation” for life.

They’re making a nostalgic “struggle meal” because they’re looking for a particular taste, not trying to make the “nicest” sandwich possible that involves Vienna sausages. The Kraft slices are part of the point, and most other kinds of cheese don’t melt in the same way or have the same taste.

The problem really isn’t even the quality of the juice in the US, which is fine when it actually is juice (even when it’s from concentrate). It’s that a lot of stuff that isn’t juice is called juice. Things like Kool Aid are referred to as juice colloquially (though I don’t think they’re labeled as such) so some people grow up never really understanding the difference. We also have a lot of popular juices that are made primarily of apple or pear juice but flavored with slight amounts of other fruit (cranberry, grapefruit, etc) and lots of sugar. Those are cheaper and sweeter and therefore more popular among people who see “not water” as the default drink, which I think is a reflection of cultural attitudes rather than a lack of quality. Our actual juice is just fine, it just can’t be bought in a “whole family guzzles it down constantly” quantity.

Maybe I’m too straight to observe this but sometimes I hear younger gay people say stuff like this and want to remind them that being gay has existed forever, people over the age of 28 are gay too. Imagine Dragons was quite popular with LGBT millennials/zennials in the 2010s. People tend to stick to whatever they were into in their early twenties, pop culture wise.

Nope. They’re tiny canned sausages that are like short, very low-grade hot dogs. They’re kinda soft and while they don’t taste terrible or anything, the brine (?) they’re in has a very…particular…taste. They’re usually eaten cold from the can, maybe with crackers or something. What you refer to as a “regular Wiener” would just be a hot dog, which could be of varying quality, and is usually grilled or boiled and served on a bread bun with various toppings.

While neither a Vienna sausage nor a hot dog is seen as high class food in the US, Vienna sausage has a particular reputation of being poverty or “old people” food. Someone making a Vienna sausage sandwich out of nostalgia is not going to be looking for something fancy with “European cheese”, they’ll be making cheap comfort food.

Poorly, or reliant on others.

It’s in your best interest to mature. You can take your time, but best to get there eventually.

I don’t worry about downvotes. Sometimes I piss someone off in one thread and they follow me around for a while downvoting because they’re butthurt. Sometimes I get massively downvoted for objectively correct but locally unpopular comments. Sometimes I say something dumb or rude. So what?