As an American, we usually take our shoes off while entering other people's home, most people I know usually either go sock only or wear indoor slippers so I can't see them not taking their shoes off

Since you are FIRING, you are investing conservatively, I doubt you are withdrawing 10% a year lmao


Unfortunately not, maybe for like three to five years, but for life? Hell nah, $5 million 2024 USD minimum

Should change his name to Ranting Bitch instead,Mranting Bitch

Late reply, I full ported $45,000 into MU at 130 and it's already showing lmao, you guys are absolutely right MU should be at easily $150 by the end of the year

Apes honestly should be pumping stocks with actual potential lol, maybe considering TSM, MU, AVGO, NVDA, stocks with potential future growth

Hmm I wonder why, maybe it's because Japan posts war military prohibition and rising threats from authoritarian regimes nearby. After all, who can take on China on their own?

You have two trading days including today, I'm sorry but this is utter delusion with zero chance of happening


$19k worth of options strike $135 expire in November, I am not worried at all

Yeah didn't Japan do some crazy evil shit in South East Asia as well in addition to China during WWII?

Though she might not survive giving birth ig, going into labor is difficult on heart, and we know her one is rather weak

I bought $50,000 worth shares at 130 this morning, I think it will go up later this year

Alright I think you win this one, my apologies :28214:, much better fitting name

Talent Acquisition (I know im ruining the mood, but hey, just in case anyone actually don't know)

Buying more NVDA this week, all $50,000 to be specific