Guys do that to mess with friends… ass cracks, dicks, photos of shit.

Your hubby isnt cheating… he is just stuck at about age 15 or 16.

Personally I think we will see protests on the order of what happened a century ago in Regina and Winnipeg.

Its not just immigration its affordability, labour rights, government trying to social engineer and turn us into subjects.

We could be on the cusp of something that we have not seen in our lifetimes.

Its all going to boil over … my guess it will start with a repeat of what happened in Regina and Winnipeg about 100 years ago.

I think you just uncovered the governments plan… and not just this ones.

Health Care has been in decline for 40 years.

The Feds have reduced funding. Provinces absorbed premium payments to create an impression that it is a gift and then the decline began. When we saw premium bills you can be damned sure that people demanded their moneys worth.

We still pay of course through taxes but its less tangible so people dont put politicians feet to the fire like they once did.

Now…. we have Provincial Governments under funding and messing about to make the system fail… creating support for an alternative delivery system which is privatized and owned by friends.

And its not even health care companies pushing it so much as it is the insurance companies that own them.

Yes and no.

Trudeau showed his hand and it turned out to be just talk and no action. A US indictment does not vindicate Trudeau.

One could argue that he forced the States hand here but that seems unlikely. Instead he was just looking for a headline while our neighbours to the south kept their eyes on the prize and their mouths shut until they had something.

She is dating you… not your penis.

You are both in school so I would assume that she doesnt have a huge history to compare you to.

Besides, its not really about size with most women… its about feelings and what you do with it.

Lots of forplay and using what you have well plus her feelings about you are going to make up for having a less than average penis length.

I have also read that girth is more important to some ladies.

I have em but rarely use them because unless I am walking in tall grass or brush… I tend to get more sweaty than rain wet.

However…. off trail…. yeah…. i use em.

At one time it was considered impolite to ask casual acquaintances things like their origin, or what they do for a living. In all fairness… it isnt any of their biz.

We are a lot more relaxed about things like that now but there are still limits… such as asking someone how much they earn.

Its unbelievable that it took this much effort and this long to oust a creature like that from Congress.

These guys have over achieved in building barriers to accountability.

Imagine being such a pussy that you call the cops because your feeling got hurt by someone calling you a name or flipping you the bird.

Smiths only motivation is to gain access to a great big pile if cash that she can play with to glad hand her friends. She isnt worried about our future and she has a government pension in her future which is better than anything we will get… because politicians took care of their own before the rest of us…. including Provincial employees.

Ordinarily I would go for an Enfield but keep in mind that not all Enfields are the same and their prices have really ballooned. Nothing wrong with P14 or P17 rifles but again… unaltered rifles have ballooned in price.

That said for a first rifle…. I would buy an old Cooey.

Depends on your shooting experience but 303 or 30-06 might be a bit stouter than you expect out of the gate.


Its not like he went out there guided by a dozen game cameras, sat in a heated tower shot a deer with an ear tag as it nibbled at a bait pile… all within a high fence enclosure.

I bet that trip cost the guy a couple hundred thousand and it helped a local community.

Its not my bag but he didnt go out and shoot the last one… far from it.

Windfall effect from mass immigration. Take a look at the RCMP bolo list… the demographics have changed and its not coincidental.

The problem is not population growth v social programs. We had less money in the 50’s through 70’s and managed to support those things.

The problem is that workers are no longer getting a fair portion of profit and that our government is defaulting to a 1900 solution.

We are not trying to populate a wilderness anymore. We are trying to maintain an established society. That can be done with a bit if imagination and by saying no to corporations fishing for a cheap labour pool.

As it is though… mass immigration is actually speeding the decline … not preventing it.

Oh yeah… Interest rates of as much as 16% and double digit unemployment in the 80’s was such a lark.

Stop blanket blaming your parents for your failure to achieve.

Digital currency is inviting business and government into every financial transaction you make.