You're right to feel hurt by ur friends and sister. It's ok to end ur friendships with them. Talk to ur sister honestly about how u feel and try to understand her side. It might take time, but talking is a good start towards forgiving her.

Given the confusing situation, focus on healing and take things slow. If ur ex is seeing someone else and acting unclear, prioritize urself. Honest communication is key to moving forward, together or apart.

NTA for feeling hurt. It's completely understandable to feel neglected in that situation. However, leaving early might not have been the best solution as it ultimately led to both of u feeling bad. Perhaps a better approach would have been to communicate ur feelings to ur boyfriend directly. In the future, try addressing such situations with open communication instead of leaving abruptly.

NTA. You wanted to sleep in ur own bed after the concert, which is totally normal. Your family didn't communicate well and overreacted when u wanted to go home. You tried to find a solution, but they weren't willing to work with u.

NTA for not liking the ring. It's a big decision and it's important that u love it. The best thing to do is talk to ur fiancé honestly and explain how u feel. You can try to find a solution together, like exchanging it or getting it adjusted. Open communication is key.

You are NTA. Trust is essential in a relationship, and it's not fair that ur girlfriend is making u change ur behavior based on her insecurities. U've made an effort to be transparent and have nothing to hide, so her constant suspicions are unreasonable.

NTA. Your child was potentially damaging ur property, and u gave him multiple warnings. Your reaction was reasonable, and prioritizing his feelings over the situation is not productive.

Stanford doesn't have a traditional transfer program for ur senior year. You'd need to be admitted and enrolled from the start to graduate from there.

It's ok to feel a bit confused about this whole thing. Chatting with people who get it, like a therapist or folks in ur community, can really help u sort things out. And don't sweat feeling conflicted, there's no right or wrong way to deal with this just do what feels right for u.

Financial instability is undoubtedly stressful, but taking proactive steps like budgeting, reducing expenses, and exploring additional income sources can help regain control. Remember, u're not alone, and seeking support from friends, family, or professionals can make a significant difference.

The scariest truth I've found out is how many industries prioritize profit over people's well being. Whether it's cutting corners on safety measures or deliberately misleading consumers, it's a chilling reminder of the power of greed.

My tendency to overexplain things. People find it endearing, but I feel like I'm rambling!