So some criminal turns around to grab a weapon, you legally can't shoot them?


Why do you repost content lmfao? Do you jerk off to all that karma? Fucking loser

What's better? All that gay porn or all that sweet karma? Yikes

Who the fuck is thinking about her sexual orientation? You people are legitimately delusional holy shit go outside

Weird bro I'm white and have no control that's nuts

The fuckin pussy says otherwise you fucking ogre

He absolutely knows about Toji now too imagine him dumping all this shit on the boys

That's pretty cool I didn't know that

I'll never understand why they don't just put the real unedited stuff on Crunchyroll outside Japan

I bought JJK S1 on Blu ray and thats cool but I'm also not really interested in watching it anytime soon. I'm way more hyped for season two as it was intended to be seen

What the fuck dude

This is hilarious NGL it looks so much worse than a normal pizza

Like what companies?

Name a couple im curious. Moron lmfao

Idk I still think they are fun and well written stories