Get rm while you still can. The game will give you enough gems through the events and completing SU

If you vpn anywhere else, the rest of the world gets raw and smackdown

It wasn’t supernatural, this was psychological. Like a personality disorder

Good showing for Zelina, give her a mid card title pls

Nah, owning a franchise is once in a lifetime opportunity. There are so many owners out there who have never sold. People will overpay when you have billionaires and groups that have the buying power 20x the asking price

It’s the unfortunate world we live in. HR doesn’t serve you either, they serve the company. Ultimately it might only result in your termination

Exactly this. You don’t need to say anything either that would put you at risk of losing your job. The expectation isn’t that there’s rape or trafficking though. Usually they’re just glorified escorts

This is all too common in the mega corporations executive world. It’s awful but people in that environment are so desensitized to it they don’t even bat an eye when someone brings in a “mistress”. It’s like a different world to them

They still tanked last year with this team and will likely tank again next year. Letting OG go for nothing would have been much much worse.

The returns on the pascal trade aren’t the greatest but they got a lot of the young pieces you need to rebuild. It isn’t gonna be pretty but those were the right moves. The mistake was not pulling the trigger sooner and getting better returns from those 2 when they weren’t expiring

Silver or TB bird is the way to go. The ppl your playing are stacking super bombs and blowing up the board. You can also play to combo and create chain reactions to get these bombs, the two birds I mentioned are the easiest to do that

That doesn’t mean they can’t go back to those cities after though lol