🎵 "Where the girls are nice- but they have no rights. 🎶 Deep in the heart of Texas" 🎵

Yeah, ALL politicians give corporate welfare over human welfare. Corporate bailouts while people get shrugs. Tax breaks for the wealthy, tax increases for the poor, thank you Donald Trump in 2017. So, Democrat or Republican, none of your politicians actually work for you as a person, unless you're a billionaire.

Seems you don't seem to realize that humans weren't affecting Earth's environment hundreds to thousands of years ago the way they have been since just the 1800s and the Industrial Revolution. Which, correct me if I'm wrong, has never happened before on Earth's history? So are you really trying to compare events from hundreds of thousands of years ago to today's problems? Kind of short-sighted, don't you think?

How do you expect them to evolve quickly enough to live in different conditions once the Earth's atmosphere, temperatures, water supply change so drastically? We all need the same conditions in our ecosystems, so I'm curious to see how some of these animals will magically be able to survive.

Who says they hate America? Does holding a particular piece of cloth over another indicate what you love or hate? Perhaps it's the ones who would be holding the American flag who hate America. The people who claim to be the biggest Patriots hate literally half the people who live in the country they claim to love, anyone who isn't conservative/Republican/Christian/white/straight /cisgendered/wealthy/gun-nut-loves-dead-kids are viewed as the enemy by you. Yet we all live here.

Humans specifically

How do you think humans are going to do without plants and animals? What will they eat....

Though I am one who supports the anti-work movement, it is getting to the point where employees are starting to blame the customers for everything and be openly rude about it. The point was to support employees from awful managers and corporate policies that don't support normal human life. And instead it seems to have emboldened people to find another enemy to fight with, each other.

I got yelled at by a Walmart employee for not knowing that the red light means the lane is going to close after the customer using it is done as opposed to simply meaning someone is using it in the moment. I was also supposed to know that because the one self checkout lane was closing, I was of course allowed to go into the lanes for 15 items or less even though I had more than 15 items. (I'm sure the employee in that area would have yelled at me.) There are no signs or information stating any of this, but apparently employees think customers are total experts on all of their inside policies. Don't get me started on if you talk to a regular level employee instead of a manager about an issue that a manager should be talked to about, good fucking lord.

You can't walk into any retail store within a half an hour of closing without your greeting being barked at you "we're closing in 15 minutes." So does that mean we can't shop for 10 minutes bitches?

Again there's all these unwritten laws now for customers that employees will get really pissed at you if you don't know, when all I ever wanted to do was give them better pay, hours, and benefits by supporting the anti-work movement, not creating a bunch of assholes every time I go out shopping.

Biden is easily controlled, way too fucking old. No one in their 70s or 80s is mentally fit enough to hold office.

But what does that have to do with the traitors of January 6th who attacked their capital because Trump was a sore loser? Do you ever notice how it's always about Trump with that side? Trump is always victimizing himself and begging his people to send him more money to get him out of his troubles? When does Trump actually ever talk about what he wants to do for the American people as opposed to why he needs more money?

Who is better qualified to lead this country, a rapist grifter or someone who doesn't commit obvious and violent crimes?

Because we need to do better to make racist people afraid again.

Do you mean where society invests in each other by providing social safety nets for people as opposed to constant corporate welfare and tax breaks for billionaires? Sounds awful!

As if the level of worship for Biden is anywhere close to the worship of Trump. Biden voters simply vote for not-Trump, while Trump voters invest their time, devote their lifestyles, destroy their relationships and spend a ton of their money for their orange-diaper-wearing-god. Meanwhile, all Trump has is revenge for himself on the brain and these people are obsessed with and literally investing $ in someone who has zero interest in helping them.

"The Democrat party is falling apart" lmfao, maybe just old Joe Biden as the decrepit old man he is. Wishful thinking that the entire party gives a shit about Joe and somehow can't survive without his worthless ass.

After all they've done for you? Talk about ungrateful!

Are you still going on and on about this with your bitching? Get a life!

Your husband may need to just get a job he deems beneath him.

Planet won't last long enough to see it as the continuation of climate change denial (by boomers mostly) advances the destruction of our environment.

Yeah continuously making yourself the victim and the loser to constantly beg for your brainless followers to keep sending you money so you can bribe corrupt judges doesn't make you a "winner" so much as a grifter and cheater.