Freeze, then thaw and cook all fish. They’re all full of parasites and the freeze/cook cycle should knock them all out.

That’s a big maybe. Most heart attacks that can be treated aren’t ones that kill you in the first hour; they kill you immediately. Plus, preventative care and monitoring are infinitely more important to that kind of emergency than a fast response by an ambulance.

That’s… literally what I said. Did you not read? We have the best of the best for the richest, but for average, preventative care that would most benefit the population by providing even basic care for more people, we have horrible access.

What do you think determines insurance premiums? It’s the cost that insurers have to pay for procedures. If you’re not going through a work plan or low enough income you qualify for a government policy, you’re paying a shitload for coverage. And that limits availability

Avoid prepared foods and most of the middle aisles in the grocery store and you’ll be just fine. It’s not availability, its education and convenience that’s the problem. Much more convenient and tasty to eat a McGriddle than make oatmeal and peanut butter.

Oh shit, that’s a good idea. Need to add heat to the floor of my outdoor shower

They’re down 11% over the last few months, so by your logic we can assume they’ll never recover and go down from here on out?

I get the point of those meme, but I’d just like to point out over the past 3m or so my position in SBUX is down about 11%…

And it’s a bad point. It’s likely an apartment in the downtown area of a major city. Yes, those are expensive, not because of the government fucking up, but because everyone wants to live there and supply and demand means only so many apartments can exist in that area.

I don’t think they said she wasn’t a real lawyer because she was a PD, they said she wasn’t making 135k because she was a PD… and that’s likely absolutely true. For the case loads, PDs and prosecutors aren’t paid shit.

I’m sure the place they’re describing has grown significantly in the last 20 years. If you look at the population and average income of the residents 20 years ago and find an apartment in a place situated similarly, I bet that apartment becomes much more affordable

Ok, that’s why so many people with money come to the US for healthcare: because better is available for them back home, they just don’t like being around all the poors

And it was stronger than the other wine because all the guests talked about why they were saving the best for last.

Cocaine absolutely grows on a tree. Coca leaves have the active cocaine alkaloids in them that cause you to get high. That’s why even raw coca leaves can’t be imported into the US. (Coca-Cola gets an exception for specially-processed leaves that have that alkaloid removed before import).

Psilocybin mushroom spores, on the other hand, for instance, do not contain any psychoactive compounds and can be legally shipped via USPS anywhere in the states. It’s only when you cultivate the actual mushrooms are you committing a crime.

Exactly, the best you can do is “nuh uh” rather than provide evidence. Because you’re just wrong. People don’t travel to Singapore for their top-notch medical care; or really anywhere in Asia. They might go there because it’s cheaper, which, for some people, that’s as good as they can get. But people with money travel to one place for the best care for the rarest cases: the US. Sometimes the best outcome is for the vast majority of people to be able to afford mediocre care, but for those odd, rare cases where the best is required, they aren’t heading to Singapore and Japan.

lol ok, provide me a link rather than just “trust me bro”

Cocaine alkaloids are naturally present in coca leaves, which is why it’s illegal to import the raw leaf just like processed cocaine. It’s absolutely a natural part of the plant, we just process it to concentrate it. And gasoline isn’t required, just like people making shake and bake meth in their bathtub aren’t using lab grade materials to make methamphetamine.

Coca leaves naturally contain cocaine alkaloids, we just process them to concentrate them more but they’re already present naturally.

That’s because you googled and didn’t read any of the articles about it. The U.S. ranks last on access to care, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcomes, but second on measures of care process. Which is exactly what I said - we have the best systems and doctors, but the worst at being available to the population. Which, in the overall, means that fewer people have good care and more people require those super high-end lifesaving measures when we could just have prevented that in the first place with proper preventative care.

That’s not even close to true. No one in the government is stopping a doctor from opening where ever the hell they want. What stops them is the lack of business in the area and banks that won’t loan you money if you can’t show certain income levels. CONs are for hospitals, not for doctor’s offices. You’re extrapolating because you’re speaking out of ignorance.

lol no. Cost comes from people charging out the ass because it’s a necessary service and it’s not something you can shop around for.

We have the best available, doesn’t mean we all get to enjoy it because of cost barriers. Other countries often use cheaper methods or products, but cover vastly greater numbers with basic and low-level care, which is infinitely more important as you age. You’ll have better chances of surviving a heart attack or stroke in the US, but less chance of getting one in the first place with adequate preventative care and a healthy diet.

You think there aren’t old, lonely widows that just want someone to help them around the house?

Tbf “the good place” isn’t really sci-fi but pure fantasy; most sci-fi only explores philosophy incidentally while fantasy, and particularly satire, often hit it head on.