Because most characters in hotd are morally grey, vulnerable but grey There isn't a hero/anti hero with the exception of few characters Which is both great and confusing

It's a retarded company I mean i tried to add water towers, supermarkets,parking lots in my rural area only to get them rejected because they are "generic water towers/parking lots..etc"

Because they are young people who were enthusiastic, angry and bickering for an illusion then they die like nothings before getting to live, you don't even get to know who was a hero or who killed who,like dozens of historical battes for the tribe/country/religion They die and be minute you see their minute they are all legacy to heroism or tales..smallfolk forgotten in time like the reason for the bickering of thier houses

It doesn't show stupidity as much as that she's not delusional, she claimed it was for a prophecy but now that she knows that this is garbage she's finally true to herself,she grabbed what she could regardless and war is coming anyway

I don't think it was stupid,it kinda felt stupid in season 1 when she listened to viserys dying and told her "aegon" About how the war was primarily started due to a hallucination, Now you practically know, confirmation bias or not, delusions or not She knows it wasn't her son's throne but yet went for it

Why are you so angry 😂 It's a tv show chill

-Alicent realizing she fucked up and built her story on a confirmatory bias - Rheanerya travelling to the most dangerous spot to try and stop war Only for both of them to realize that war is inevitable - weaker houses killing each other -daemon facing his demons Rheneys talking about how people will forget what started the war Aegon making aemond look like a fool Many things,people just want the Netflix model of action action action sex sex action People don't appreciate dramatic build up anymore

It's really good,acting.. writing People were just waiting for 8 episodes of people cutting each others necks and sleeping with each other,but i guess the drama and grey characters make up for many things

If you don't have it just trade with a spoofer

Characters in long running shows take time to get used to,chase was annoying in season 1 as well Replacing almost all the cast in the 8th season of a long running show is one of the dumbest moves ever

WHAAAT? I've been waiting for like a month ,i thought it was a normal mega raid Anyway thank you, I'll just have to do ho-oh then

How hard is a non shiny to catch? I saved 3 remote raid passes and i want ho oh and Rayquaza, How hard are both of them? Or should i just save the passes for Rayquaza as it's one day

A woman preparing her rapist son to usurp his sister's throne ever since he was a teenager,then using hallucinations from a dying man to support her story and almost doing everything but criticizing others for it,she caused the strongs to die,and a civil war to spark and was a nail in the coffin of the greatest house in westeros Why not?

Don't, Articuno in Pokemon go is only useful to complete Pokedex or trade it..just trade it for something useful

Apart from marrying alicent, Not abdicating power to his daughter while he was still sane but with decaying body,i mean you are already dying, sleeping most of the day and you want her as queen Just leave the throne to her,leave something else to other kids.. problem solved

For me it was New York,many stops and gyms and you can get into any raid within seconds