I was born and raised in China and physically beat up throughout childhood for even a trivial amount of rebellion. My unhappy childhood impacted my personality and made me almost a sociopath, almost. I till I went to Canada for university my life was boring to hell: mock exams (做卷子) and practice piano…long story short, the best odds to break the cycle I believe lies in yourself: be secure with yourself first. I don’t need my kids to achieve XYZ  in order to feel like a successful parent. 

So true. I mostly browse local subs but man, those people are beyond rude! I have to be very careful to word my comment or questions, eve so sometimes it got downvoted so I pretty much stop commenting 

They surely look good but not really functional. At my old kitchen / family room, I couldn’t heat tv when range hood is on

This might not be what you expected: Turn on YouTube and watch some videos - tons there with lots of decent ones. Then head to grocery stores and thanks to our diversity all major ingredients are easy to find. Learn cooking it yourself, so you will be able to enjoy food you like whenever you want at a fraction of costs from the restaurants.

Anyone knows what big grocery stores usually do with their scrap vegetables?

Those not-so-pretty cabbage leaves, celery stalks they take off before putting on the shelf?. I’m hoping to get them free for my neighbor's pets :)

I deleted my old post similar to yours - too much cyber bullying here just because there’s a housing crisis for principal residence 

I had exactly the same problem last summer! Check your outdoor condenser capacitor or Contactor. Very cheap to replace but cost me $$$ for diagnosis labor. 

Why I have mouse in backyard?

Hi all,

I have been spotting pointy black droppings at several locations in my backyard and literally saw a mouse running across my patio. I don't have any pet, just a small herb and tomato garden. I do compost which is the only factor I suspect that might attract them so I already put a pause on it -do mice eat compost (peels, green leaves etc)? Thanks!

It hard for a normal people not to have any mental issue when dealing with so many problems just to live an ordinary life: crazy grocery prices, housing prices, lack of living -wage jobs, lack of doctors etc. 

I’d like to make friends with animals by feeding them 

If you don’t mind could you share your approx location and cost for construction? 

I’m already picturing reading a book by a nice wood burning fire place on a snowy day :)

Do you know if they actually hired anyone for the position? I wouldn’t be surprise if they cut the opening due to budget changes lol 

This is so sad. Imagine how much trouble he has to go through locking /unlocking each time he uses the car.