No chance this is 1350. What area in Seattle?

NYC gives you the possibility of full time and H1B, San Diego doesn’t.

Always take the option that grants you more in the future

Yes but if selected you wouldn’t be able to start till October

What do you mean by compelling story?

How long was your document

Explain internal vs external reference letters?

Why do some people submit upwards of 30 pages

How long was the personal statement

Why would I not choose the system I’m most efficient on for my job that pays my rent? Ah yes because a carpenter can build a house with whatever kind of hammer and saw we give them!!!!

But I have been using Mac for my whole life basically? Why would I choose windows for my job?

I mean there’s nothing to think about really. Mac is my bread and butter. What do you mean by if I ever move

I’ve been on mac for the past 6 years. I can use windows but I’m much more efficient on Mac

This is a smaller company. It is free rein but I don’t see why I would need a mobile phone