I really hope you are not responsible for any pii or sensitive data if you think that's what multi factor is for .

My boss pukes anytime we go fishing lol. He got one of the relief bands and it has helped him, said he still gets a bit uneasy but hasn't been chumming the water for us. Anti nausea medicine might help too, but I would take some before you are on the water to make sure you don't have any issues with it.

You will find most dealers are shit, no matter the brand. Warranty work doesn't make them money, they will do all they can to avoid it if they have retail work available. Hopefully you have better luck with the Suzuki.

The ones I'm taking are getting Linux. Need something in the garage to play music and a family member needs something just to check email on. Seems not many are interested though.

We are replacing all 120 of our workstations, just for w11. Feed back has been great, "this isn't any faster than my old PC". Well no shit, our workstations run office and chrome, that's it so no you won't see much of an improvement with your 14th gen i5 over the 6th gen. They do boot a bit quicker, and other admin task run faster so a win for us. No one will take the old ones as donations, so it's going to be all ewaste other than what we nab for personal use.

There is a fair bit of overlap actually, especially if you fly fpv. The FCC and aarl have tried to modernize it a bit, they have removed the coding requirements on the technician license. That removed probably the biggest barrier to entry. Software defined radios add a lot of options nowadays compared to traditional base stations or portables.

Gatekeeping is the same. Bunch of old fuds that are pissed off things are changing. They are pissed that the coding requirements were removed. Pissed about the new sdr's that are cheap and freely available. They don't really like new/younger people. Swap meets are bipolar as shit, some people are open to chat and friendly, others are dicks and will run you off of you don't fit their definition of a ham.

Our club is mostly old guys. They come up with some of the craziest flying contraptions lol. They also like to eat so lots of cook outs and snacks. There are a few crotchety ones, but they are the minority and we all kind of just ignore them. Go hang out, get a feel for it. Most clubs are going to be older but that isn't always a bad thing.

Want to see gatekeeping, try joining a ham radio club.

Not if it's a higher trim level truck, that tanks the payload.

My non hdpp xlt is 1850. Hdpp would have put me around 2k but they are impossible to fine unless you order one.

tiger 900 rally

Normally no. If someone is a cunt and hasn't cut their grass in months and blows mountains of grass into the road it could be, but really only if it's in a blind corner. Don't fuck with wet leaves though unless it intentional.

AtI would definitely start with a sprocket. Cheap and easy and see if that gets you near what you want. Normally you run out of the power band.

Well judging by your title it seemed you might be dumb enough to believe it, never know.

Nothing suspension is going to help fule milage unless it can some how hide the giant sail behind you. I got about the same mpg pulling a 9700lb camper as I do with my 4klb enclosed. Keep it under 55, that will be the most beneficial thing you can do.

Or you could just drop a tooth or two off the rear sprocket. No, you can't just swap the trans, you would have to swap the engine. There are 5 speed options, they are also 190cc and make a good bit more power but it's going to require some mechanical and electrical skill.

tiger 900 rally

I always check before putting my helmet on. To many spiders and bees around here to find them after the fact.

That's cool. I don't see turning people away for a charity event, segregate the non classic bikes to the back or something if need be but if people want to contribute let them. Detroit was 100% against non compliant bikes.

Exactly. The police have no duty to tell you the truth, and will lie if it benefits them. They could be investigating or talking to her family trying to build a case against you before bringing charges. You don't have to be guilty to be found guilty, they only thing they have to do is convince a jury that you are. Domestic calls normally end up in some one getting charged with something, I would reach out to legal aid if you are able and explain the situation and see what they suggest as next steps.

tiger 900 rally

Nothing like gatekeeping a charity event lol.

I get the stupid mailer every year from triumph, even though they know I bought a tiger and don't qualify to participate. Some organizers seem to be more about the cause and will allow other bikes, other are just trying to look "cool".

Looks like a few "inappropriate" bikes there, your group must be more about the cause than the looks unlike mine. Was asked to stay home last year or buy a different bike lol.

tiger 900 rally

Shop around, try an agent vs just online quotes. It might not get much cheaper but doesn't hurt to try. Loyalty to an insurance company gets you no where. I had progressive for about 5 years but end up saving a few hundred a year with all state. They suck about as much as progressive but now I pay less.

Good luck finding parking. They will tow you if you park on the residential streets, peoples driveways, the cemetery, or the store on the corner. They run a shuttle some times on the weekends.

tiger 900 rally

And riding someone's ass or forcing them off the road isn't going to make yours any bigger. Fuck, we have that problem on wide open country roads. Y'all ain't happy with 15 over the speed limit but don't have the balls to actually pass and just want to sit on someone's ass for miles.

They swell because they are a shit two piece design. If you put them on with a torque wrench they are still going to swell. Plus if you are in the North they will just swell from rust anyway.