I think generally it sits so nicely in the pocket of sci-fi but it really doesn't get mentioned. I see 100 people telling me to watch 5th element for every 1 person telling me to watch Gataca. Underappreciated is more accurate ✌️

Money pit vintage Japanese car owners work thousands of hours to have hundreds of dollars 😅

Boomers grew up in rampant "scarcity". Scarcity breeds relentless consumerism and so to get rid of something is a missed opportunity to cash in on a fortune and to pass up on a deal is to fall behind. Welcome to the beginning of late stage capitalism

This billboard is absolutely begging to have a cock graffiti on it but I think the prospect of imagining the graffiti is intrinsically better than the real spray paint dong so this is 100% A tier marketing

Made it better since the cyber truck in stock form is the new bar for low

I've said it before and I'll say it again: the land cruiser is only as reliable as the owner is handy. Taking the LC to a shop is just about a guarantee to have something go wrong, unless the shop specializes in 4X4's or Landcruisers. Chances are some old Australian bloke who got off the tele track with a stick holding their control arm together will tell you what color of wires to rip out to delete the immobilizer in 5 minutes. Sadly, a lot of experienced mechanics approach the cruiser as a car that's capable offroad instead of a simple machine that's legally considered a car/truck. Toyota immobilizers are infamous among 1UZ and 2UZ engine swap communities so ironically you might find what you need in the supra/soarer/86 communities that are swapping V8s into their older Toyota's. Sorry to hear about your shop experience though and best of luck!!

I checked the ones on my 80, they are still in the trash where they belong

I think the 458 is too beautiful, most of the lines are very similar but this feels more 90's and/or British? You picked one with uncanny resemblance imho

I had this under braking on my LC80 and I fixed it with the steering box adjustment. However, I can feel this still and it's a different component that's moving but tightening the box will temporarily "fix" it.. you want to check everything from the bottom up but I think it has something to do with the logo on your steering wheel 😉

Let it finish how long have you been edging it?!

If I wanted to spend $1M plus to look like a power ranger I'd buy an oris and multiple authentic power ranger suits not a fucking RM

Bought one for $700 in a field , waiting to have the cash to do it right and have my forever car. Gorgeous example! Great spot!

B pillar is facing the wrong way not sure that's it?

Was gonna say Delta S4 but 1st commenter is right

Hit up Happy Beer Street (99th street) and Vino on 82nd ave and 95st!!! Sherbrooke is great and so is Keg and Cork, but nothing beats visiting the local breweries all around Edmonton and grabbing some off-sales :)

I was moreso hoping to see what might happen versus what it means. I could very easily assume "water is blue" but since it's in the Edmonton sub I figured it get more specific info like "EPCOR is replacing that so expect to have no parking for a week" but I didn't want to belabor the point

The erosion line at those trees is a dead giveaway that the river is running high. If you wouldn't walk it, maybe don't drive it!