yes. it's weird peopke are taking the side of some bullshit heritage committee and old hags. they doxed her because she dared to stain HER house, something she had permission to do. you think that's ok??

it's all he said she said. "not aware of note" yeah ok heritage committee. clearly a smear job against tessa virtue. besides, she's more important to canada than a bunch of dirty old ugly bricks. it's shameful what they're doing to her. making her address public. all because her old pathetic neighbors (who know they're going to die soon) are jealous or don't like the new young families taking over the neighborhood from their decrepit asses. they should be ashamed of themselves.

he looked like a 2 yr old before he even turned 1. plus he's a lefty and all lefties are athletic. so far things are stacked against us

no. their old geezer neighbors and historical society have som weird vendetta against the new young couple in the neighborhood. let tessa virtue paint HER house whatever color she wants. they were definitely given permission and the old losers are just being assholes

tessa would be 10x better than meryl too. meryl was never a good dancer and never had musicality.

lol i would take that comment with a grain of salt. that user is weird and has a vendetta against tessa. they're always pushing a narrative that meryl was a nice sweet girl while tessa was cold and mean. but there are also stories that meryl wasn't so nice herself and part of the clique that iced tessa out at the rink. i'm sure the truth is neither is perfect. but yeah, i don't know why the person you're responding to has such a hate boner for tessa. i think it's because she likes meryl more and hates that tessa is not only 5x better but 5x as loved.

also, i think the panthers win again next season. you brought back pretty much the entire roster and that's huge.

yeah people can clear out fast if the t dares to run somewhat smoothly lol. it helps that there are multiple stops along the parade route.

i get it. non-celtics nba fans are very salty about them winning after everyone saying they will never win. especially lakers fans. trolls just say shit and only communicate in memes. in 5 years people will remember the ring, not the parade.

i think boston parades are always quick because it's such a small city, which makes it more wild that over a million people show up lol

celtics had 5x the attendance as the panthers. i don't think anyone there is complaining lol. when you have a parade that empty people are going to be assholes and make fun of it. same thing would happen to boston if a steam there ever had a poor showing. hell, celtics/boston gets 30x more shit than panthers/south Florida. it just makes winning that much sweeter, which i'm sure you're enjoying!

and we handed them the most embarrassing playoff loss in american sports history

nah this goes to the red sox beating the yankees in 2004. nhl isn't significant enough in america to beat out a yankees/red sox rivalry moment. espeically considering the yankees/red sox are probably the biggest sports rivalry in north american history (or lakers/celtics). also panthers ended up getting destroyed in the finals so it's not a memorable run.

and it's not even the bruins most embarrassing either lol. that goes to philly in 2010. bruins embarrass themselves a lot

i would also say the heat vs celtics rivalry is more of a lebron vs celtics rivalry because he owned us in cleveland and miami. the jimmy butler era is a wash so far with the celtics now having the edge because they won and jimmy has only ever failed to win.

they don't. but if they can't find a trade for him they're kinda stuck

why should he have to do that?? what reason does he have to make things easier for the rangers to get rid of him?

yes but the nanny doesn't solve the problem of living in a different city as his kid

ok sure whatever but your nanny comment still doesn't make sense lol

but a nanny doesn't solve the problem of being away from his kid lmfao

of course he can. but what does that have to do with him staying in nyc

yeah idk i could be talking out of my ass. although i will say that the bruins aren't exactly a high scoring team so jake didn't need to be racking up the points to be effective. he also seems to improve a part of his game each year and is a grinder at heart.

not sure if you're referring to debrusk or heinen re: people shitting on the deal but either way people are idiots. heinen was really good for us last year and played great on multiple different lines.