And in person. My friend we think got drugged in a bar. Luckily I was there. Some guy was trying to get her to leave and follow him. Crazy times. She was so loopy. So she might been right that she was.

I agree. Also it public Instagram. Not like it's private. I warned one girl her pics were being used by a scammer. She was military so she could get in trouble if people think it's her

I'm joking why I said I loved this. Though when I did it someone told it was creepy. But I'm like I'm 99% sure this person is a scam

Omg that happened in a TV Psych. Guy was using models pics on dating app to lore in women. They found him and they went to his house with his wife and kids 🤣 Too much to explain the whole episode but was catfisher who was a killer or something

Wow stalking a stranger just wow .. like wow I love this haha.. I need get image search to work. Never pulls up people.

I was hoping she was dyslexic and read my 5'6" backwards and then I'd have a few on the list

Oh cool... 🤣 🤣 those are the guys with a lot of matches so they got a lot of other people who they are entertaining. 1 word and 2 word responses are indications that they are not really interested.

Yea. Just so hard meeting people now a days. Met one girl I thought was so caring an genuine. Got ghosted. Then I forgave her cause she needed a favor I felt bad. She hung one week after and ghosted again

That's the things. She most likely swiping on them. Most them won't admit on their profile. But they swiping on the guys that get all the swipes so of course those guys don't have to wine and dine and date. They got 20 other matches and looking to get to the point.

She's like "I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6'5", blue eyes"

I just want to hangout watch a movie. Cuddle on a couch. Goto dinner. Picnic

And works at animal welfare

Be hard to find a girl that hates dogs.. why would u want a girl that hates dogs

If ur ok with lowering ur standard on looks and stuff. U can see who liked u that ud be willing to go out with. Alot of them may be bots or IG/OF models too though

Trans one a lie. Cause still looks like a woman

I'm same way with the friends thing and also taking it slow with flirty. Why I get friendzoned alot or dropped 🤣

Like wtf. Gross. Whatever happened to just getting to know people.. and not jumping right to what ur sexual fantasy's are

Cause everyone using chatgpt and copying others people's bio thay people say are good haha

Yeah this girl. I was treating so good ghosted me. (Yes she even admitted I treat her better than anyone in her life ever did) found out from post it was cause she met another guy that week. He literally post he's a degenerate & womanizer. 2 months and vacation mean nothing. He's taller and cuter

I don't know. I don't even really have friends here. So I don't do much. Like holidays home alone, birthdays home alone lol.. So no Pics. Except for hiking with my dog

I think the woman should make a offer. Really insist if she doesn't want a second date. If I pay and she cool with it I assume second date. If she insist really hard I usually still pay unless she forces paying. But either I assume she doesn't like me Tickets for other events or things like a drink I don't put much thought into. Just dinner.

Him "I love the idea of taking it slowly. Like meet up in the park, have a kiss and then a quickie"

She's like how great this guy was. Absolutely perfect. And I flaked. I left him. Had another great guy I was playing too. So be ready if you treat me good I'll flaked

Change the main photo into something with more clothes. Some might take it the wrong way. Get rid of IG tag. So many guy looking for serious long term might thing you just want a fling or followers. Also you are swiping on dudes that are looking to hook up. Think about who you are swiping on.

If he really had car trouble it happens. He can't just leave the car on the side of the road if he started driving. Need to wait for tow. Or wanted to fix it jump it then meet. Id would of sent a pic. But alot of time people make excuses. Maybe he felt you didn't remember his name so he bailed lmao