Sounds to me like you’re no longer employed with them and they’re disputing your claim because they no longer offer that type of unemployment during off-seasons.

He was never your boyfriend, he was a drinking buddy that you think you developed feelings for.

"Adapt like fluid" is a dead giveaway. No human speaks like that

If the CEO encouraged you to apply for the position and they knew the manager was going to be fired, that means they're confident that you're the right one to fill the position. You would be supervising a team that you've already worked on, so it's not like you're walking into an upper-level management position completely blind.

Why not go for it?

Bro just got his first warehouse job after a 10-day bid (7 days served with good time) in the Hartford County jail

I had terrible acne as a teenager and was prescribed Accutane because nothing else worked. The Accutane caused severe dryness, peeling, and painful cystic acne that left scars because I continued to pick at it before it finally got better.

Be an adult, go to a dermatologist, and be honest with your coworkers about why you're wearing a mask. No one's going to judge you for getting a bad breakout and wanting to keep it covered up.

I agree. It’s wild to me that this person works in healthcare and A) can’t be honest about why she’s wearing a mask, and B)can’t stop digging into her face with her fingernails while she’s working in the ER of all places. Yikes

If he’s taking time to call you while he’s out of the country, be prepared to answer questions that you may not be comfortable answering. The CEO sounds like he might be a confrontational person, so if you’re 100% sure you’re leaving, be honest with him in a direct and professional manner.

He's definitely flirting, but he probably doesn't see it that way since he's blatantly doing it right in front of you. I guarantee if you confront him about it, he'll say he's "just being friendly".

Directly working with your significant other causes all kinds of problems. Good luck

Exfoliating and putting an alcohol-based astringent on a bad acne breakout that she's already turned into open wounds from picking is the last thing she should do. I do agree that she see a doctor though.

If they're struggling to know what to do in this situation, I'd hate to hear how they deal with actual problems at work.

If you’re in an at-will state, giving notice is a courtesy, not a requirement. He also had several opportunities to tell them he doesn’t have a degree, and chose not to. Regardless, he should have made sure the new job offer was finalized before telling his current employer he’s leaving.

There's still no reason for parents to demand that their child's boss speak to them if they have a case worker.

Why not just be honest and tell them he doesn't actually have his degree? Did you think they just wouldn't notice? Most companies also do background checks to confirm education and work experience before making an offer.

Probably wasn't the smartest move to lie to a potential employer, think he got away with it, and resign at his current job before officially starting a new position.

This is a woman in her 30's at her professional job, not a 10 year old who's not doing well at school.

Your partner is an entire man-child himself, and should not be left alone to take care of 5 children. He was so busy watching the game that he couldn't be bothered to empty a tub full of cold water or reset the lights, let alone put the kids to bed? What if the 3 year old fell in the tub while he was staring at the tv? What if someone tripped on a toy and fell down the stairs in the dark? Anything could have happened and all you're worried about is if you hurt his feelings when you got home?

This was an insanely dangerous situation, and to make it even worse, he acted like he's the victim by giving you the silent treatment and making you apologize for being mean to him. You're severely under-reacting and need to reevaluate your entire relationship with him.

Yes you’re overreacting, and yes you should break up with her since one dumb joke was able to upset you so easily.

I had a friend in college who had a habit of pissing in the dirty laundry basket when he was drunk. He tried blaming it on the cat and dog the first few times before he finally came clean

Have you… talked to him about it? What was his response? I also guarantee the women can feel his eyes on them with you standing right there. He’s disrespecting you and making others uncomfortable in the process.

You need to talk to your executive chef about this one. Two weeks is quite a bit of time to take off from work, and if you have any upcoming events or times when your job might be especially busy, you wouldn't want to leave your team hanging- unfortunately this is just part of being in management in hospitality.

Your boss will probably be understanding, especially since you've been with the company for years and just got promoted. Maybe plan to take one week off instead, when it works for everyone.

I'm pretty sure this is the most common excuse these people use, other than completely denying it and calling the victim a liar.

I dunno, I'd go crazy working a job where I'm supervised like a kid in daycare.