Riot literally owns the patent to an engagement optimized matchmaking system.

It could easily have been 0/2/0 in lane due to something uncontrollable, then a few more deaths from getting one shot by fed people in teamfights.

Honestly trying to look at match history to judge game losing factors isn’t very accurate.

What actually matters is how people played, which can only be seen by looking at the gameplay.

All a fed ADC is going to do is misposition and get one shot in low elo. Meanwhile the gigachad bruiser will 1v9.

If you want to put in less effort than your opponents and win, then try support 😀

They are iceborn and immune to the cold.

It’s a scam. If a car is worth 20k but you say it’s “special ultra limited edition” and charge 400k for it then it’s a scam.

There is already established value for league of legends skins by Riot themselves.

We’ve seen Evelynn is pro play, we’ve seen Khazix in pro play. It’s not that rare for carry junglers to be picked in pro, except of course Rengar.

How many times has Rengar been picked in pro play the last 5 years? Still no answer?

Anyway, can’t wait for them to inevitably add voice comms to solo queue and for you to be perma stuck masters for the rest of your life.

Rather be mad than retarded 🤷‍♂️

Answer, how many times have you seen Rengar picked in pro play.

It literally is if you are good at the game, how many times have you see Rengar picked in pro?

Fr, Late game ADC does what rengar does in 3 autos ( 1 second ) from the safety of range.

Imagine showing up to the 2nd grubs fight with heartsteel components instead of eclipse lmfao. Heartsteel is awful on Aatrox, leave that shit for normals.

115 AD + 500 health isnt worth it, ok grandpa.

Overlords gives 10 AD from it’s passive even just with it’s own 500 hp, 9.5 AD from Sundered Sky, plus another 5-6 from overgrowth, scaling HP shard, and Dorans item HP.

That’s 65 AD and 500 HP base stats. Plus you get up to 10% more AD based on missing health. Which is huge. You’ll have around 500 AD with rank 3 R so that’s another 50 AD potentially.

You’ll have more AD than assassin build while also being super tanky and healing for 1k+ on SS procs.

You don’t really find whale bait in the West. They mostly exist in games made by newly developed eastern countries. We developed a resistance to scams over time, they havent.

Easily Darius. Darius with just W already wrecks people lvl 1 and if everyone else is also limited to one ability then he will be unpeelable. However with only one ability he’d probably take E, to get access to the % armor penetration. With that plus the easy ability to stack his passive he’ll be a great competitor in a 1 ability gamemode.

Gigachads are less likely to use reddit -> most top laners are gigachads -> top laner reddit is mostly dead

Ahri so I can laugh at the mfers who spent $500 on a skin for her.

No one was running an animal down for hours. We threw rocks, spears, and arrows at them from range, which is our actual advantage and what we evolved to do.

I’m diamond but get iron vision every game, sadly I missed it by 2 hours.

Conqueror is only good for long fights. Grasp is better in lane and gives you HP to make up for lack of HP to scale E when you go damage items.

Conq doesn’t do much if you are doing Q3 flash auto profane hydra combo.