This could be completely wrong but when I was a kid someone told me animals do that if they have worms (the second part I mean)

I'd kill to not have to get up early have to get ready and drive to work! I've had jobs in the past that it took just as much time in travel as it did to actually work

Maybe I'm just fucked up but yah that's fine with my if I don't feel anything it's not like I'll be around to complain

Naaaah it's more like a deer took some steroids started kickboxing but fights really dirty while using the terrain... nope doesn't sound any better might even be worse

Ohh god no! Why did I unmute it! I didn't know! It was better not to know!

Hmm does that still count as automatically? Maybe extra automatic?

It's also where the worst people in the world get to spread their opinions and get new followers.

When I used to work at a pizzeria we all got burned often enough that you just kinda got used to it and it didn't hurt anymore. One guy used to do this with the fryer to mess with the newbies.

Now that's the real question

It must have also cost a fortune that is some top notch quality

I mostly play RPG games as well so currently I am leaning that way it is difficult because like you said they aren't really comparable. Thanks for your response. You make a great case for it

Fr my parents got me coal one year for Christmas the real joke was I didn't get the actual gift. My money is on real vid just shit parents

World of warcraft is eve worse. Since it's so customizable even other players might not know what's going if they see your screen

Adult = cut off Child = eat it

Why stop there when for 4k you can make it sound like a battleship!

Glad I didn't miss anything just the same as last time

Gatorade... I mean it could be worse but isn't exactly great

I'm pretty sure it's most religions too. They might not like it but if peoplhe first people were "made from dirt" they sure as hell weren't white

I'm not saying if you play you're pedo but they are definitely in there just like there are some one Minecraft servers that doesn't make you a bad person to play Minecraft

Well it's made for little kids but it's played by alot of teens and pedos

Yah but it was a mermaid porn shoot