Finally some recognition, but I'm still not gonna talk about it.

yeah it's really sweaty, once you hit diamond and the skin is guaranteed the sweaty matches just became really fun .

exactly this happen to me yesterday, but i was using fcar . we Lost.

Bro is in the wrong party.

View distance -High Anti-Aliasing -High Texture - Medium Everything else is low

i5 10400f / 3060ti i get around 100/120 optimized.

dome and mesh , besides if heavy throws dome and starts shooting you its a loss fight even if its only 10 bullets to destroy .

then what realistically counters heavy in the current meta ?

Mesh and Dome , but i'm talking about medium vs heavies not light . Glich trap is pretty bad only work very up close.

steal cashout in progress 10 times . quick melee 10 kills , the only ''hard'' ones . the rest is easy like do fire dmg or distance dmg , light dmg ... easier than i thought.

Data reshaper should remove heavy shields.Discussion

Medium can't do much against heavy, shoot the shields for half an hour get rpg and die . if someone is stealing cash and heavy puts shields medium can't do anything but shoot and throw nades but the shield would tank that easily . Heavy is a bit too strong in the important parts of the game in the current meta . If the shield is removed heavy still has rpg to win the fight.

Shooting shields is not fun and gives the other team time to reset gadgets and rpg , while the team attacking already used everything against the shields.

This could be a terrible idea , would love to see what everyone thinks about shield meta in the game .

will we ever see ping and other stats , and some profile flex options, like showcase of rank , kd , wins ... would love that.

Thank you for all the hard work on the game .

same situation happened to me, in plat 1 , i was stuck for a month. 250 hours this season to finally get diamond. Use Leaderboard for more precise info . You'll eventually get diamond.

i know , and for some reason still thought it was porn .

I'm more interested in how would the sun look if it was this close?

Nothing similar ever happened to me , i got almost 600 hours

Would be awesome to have a player card with stats and ranked and more flex and drip. That everyone can see at all time. Discussion

I would love to see what kind of players and play styles other people have based on their drip , stats , class.... At the moment i can see ranked only when in ranked, let me flex my diamond to everyone. The drip and competitiveness in this game are awesome, but the opportunity to flex that isn't.