Darling, it's spa day.

Oh this is incredible! Your style suits them both so, so well!

Darling, it's spa day.

The top three feel correct, all amazing romances with highly compelling characters. Soooo glad to see Dorian do so well, a wonderful character who never fails to make me feel all gooey and loved and oh so charmed.

Darling, it's spa day.

The Dorian romance is absolutely my favourite, I adore that man. So full of heart, passion, pride, style, wit and not to mention he has the best butt in the Inquisition. Plus, we have a very good chance of him still being majorly significant in the story going forward and his romance playing into that. 

I cannot wait to see him and my Lavellan more in The Veilguard, I hope they get to be adorable together at the Lighthouse. 

Also loved Solas and Cassandra, and enjoyed Josephine and the Iron Bull.

Darling, it's spa day.

Agreed. It's strange how people will try and adamantly force a singular 'sexual role' on any queer men in media. I notice it a lot as a gay man, and it heavily contrasts with my experience IRL with mine and my partners being abaptable to one another.

That being said, Zevran boasting about how bendy he is in DA2 permanently branded him in my brain as a bottom for my Warden Surana.

Darling, it's spa day.

I adore both characters and my canon Hawke and my canon Inquisitor are with them, so I would combust in a pillar of flame and die.

But after that, I'd help Dorian. Reform from within that aims to liberate slavery throughout Tevinter via Dorian's careful machinations seems like the much better solution than a slave revolt headed by Fenris. I don't imagine Fenris could lead after a revolution that would uproot everything, unlike Dorian who most definitely could. Plus, the aftermath of such a rebellion would make Tevinter easy picking for the Qunari, and I genuinely fear the Qun.

Darling, it's spa day.

Gorgeous boy! Your art is just spectacular.

Darling, it's spa day.

Tied with Flemeth as my favourite character in the entire Dragon Age universe. I absolutely love him.

Darling, it's spa day.

I romanced Dorian so I am expecting a lot of adorable smooching in the background at the Lighthouse while him and my Lavellan are there.


Untouchable beauty. I will always stan Miss Fame.

Darling, it's spa day.

Zevran being one of the few companions who also sticks with you through it all makes him so special. He and my Warden don't leave each others side now, not until they find a cure for the Calling together!

Darling, it's spa day.

I remember reading somewhere that Sylaise could be the 'villainous princess' role due to her self-aggrandizing song about how she’s better than everyone else. Plus the association with fire is always a little scary June also is said to have 'created himself', so that makes me think of either a spirit or some kind of magical automaton. Which, if so, is exciting!

Darling, it's spa day.

I think they would miss a treat if they made every one of the Evanuris completely evil with no nuance or capacity to 'work with them'. A mysterious entity like Dirthamen could offer some really interesting options for us and the plot. Maybe an alternate option to Solas as a powerful ancient elvhen to associate with.

Then we have June and Sylaise, who we know next to nothing about!

Darling, it's spa day.

So in terms of raw strength and power, I think its going to be Elgar'nan. Striking down the sun being one of his core myths says enough. Plus, being Mythal's husband and 'father' to the Evanuris implies a certain level of power and prestige that I don't think the others (with the exception of Mythal) can match. I truly think Elgar'nan is going to be a terrifying threat.

Personally, though, I'm going to vote for Dirthamen. Not for power level, but I feel that his level of knowledge and insight might make him the last of the Evanuris you'd want plotting against you. Its one of the reasons I hope we get to communicate with Dirthamen somehow in Veilguard: imagine if he reaches out to Rook and/or Solas, to give them information on how to defeat Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain, on the condition he is released (and maybe his brother/beloved/twin-soul Falon'din). I could see him communicating with us via Fear and Deceit as well!

Special shout out to Andruil, who my Inky's vallaslin are dedicated to. I bet bow mother is absolutely DEADLY.

Darling, it's spa day.

Oh my god I had forgotten... I need to do my replay fast. Let me edit that.

Darling, it's spa day.
  • Hero: Avel Surana, a city elf from the Denerim alienage who was taken to the Circle when he was discovered healing injured mice at the age of 7. Specialized in healing magic and lightning. Quite a shy, bookish guy who passed his Harrowing at 19 and then was thrust out the tower as a Grey Warden. Took the pragmatic approach and gave up Connor's soul to be taught Blood Magic to better combat the Blight. Always supported elves and mages, especially tried to uplift the alienage (his father died in Arl Howe's purge, but his mother still lives). Romanced Zevran, BFF's with Morrigan, knew Wynne as a mentor from the Circle Tower. Slew the Archdemon, saved Ferelden and now uses Avernus' research to help try and find a cure for the Calling, all while adventuring alongside his ever-faithful Antivan assassin husband. 

  • Hawke: Garret Hawke, a sarcastic mage who would always be there with a wry comment and a needless jape. Obviously would try and support the mages whenever he could, but couldn't help but fall in love with a prickly anti-magic elf named Fenris. Adored Merrill and Varric, supported Aveline and Isabella, found Anders uncomfortable. Was worn down a bit towards the end of the story, but still fought to protect his friends above all else. Survived the Fade. 

  • Inquisitor: Cilranin Lavellan, a keen hunter and archer for his Clan who wears Andruil's vallaslin. Practical, serious and eager for adventure, he made it clear he wasn't the Herald of Andraste but was willing to make a difference. Helped the mages, let Celene die and put Briala over Gaspbard (he absolutely detested Orlais), saved his Clan and drank from the Well of Sorrows (no way he'd let a know-it-all shem drink from it). Fell in love with Dorian, who he visits via an eluvian that Dorian repaired. Disbanded the Inquisition and wants to redeem his BFF Solas. Rides a halla named Elgaris ('little spirit'), gifted by Keeper Hawen.

Darling, it's spa day.

The Evanuris are so awesome, love the designs and all the terrifying lore surrounding them so far. I cannot wait to hear them and interreact with them, especially as an elf! My hope is we'll also see the other Evanuris, maybe even interact with them in some capacity. See Ghilan'nain trying to release Andruil, or Dirthamem sharing some secrets from his prison with plans to be released in return for vital intel.

Darling, it's spa day.

Ugly!? Now you can dislike Vivienne but don't just lie. She's stunning.

Darling, it's spa day.

Lowkey I adore Vivienne and I'm always sad to see her so disregarded!

Darling, it's spa day.

I really enjoy all of these characters with the exception of Bethany (she's fine) and Anders (can't ever forgive him getting giddy at selling Fenris to Danarius). But my top spot has to go to Dorian. Funny, sincere, empathetic, stylish, oh so witty and by far my favourite romance in the entire series. Hell, my favourite character overall!

Darling, it's spa day.

My Inquisitor, Cilranin Lavellan, was roughly 27 at the time of Inquisition, 30 in Trespasser. The right age to be a competent and proven Dalish hunter, but who still wanted to achieve something great for his Clan. Little did he know just how much he was going to achieve.

Now he's going to be roughly 37 at the time of DAV. Can't wait to recustomize him there.


Darling, it's spa day.

Zevran was sent to kill my Warden, but now they're both in their mid 40's and Zevran is still by my Warden's side helping him search across Thedas to find a cure for the Calling. Now if that isn't a perfect assassin-turned-husband arc, I don't know what is. Plus, his dialogue is absolutely priceless.

Darling, it's spa day.

Origins: Zevran. I love his introduction being all flirty when he's lying on the floor, and from there enjoyed his cheeky banter and how your relationship grows. Love that he's stayed with my Warden all these years and thus far is my only option for a male elf/elf relationship!

DA2: Fenris. I adore the dynamic of Fenris with a sarcastic mage Hawke, its adds so much nuance to their relationship. Broody, prickly as a porcupine, but utterly lovely underneath his layers of hurt and suspicion. Adore him.

Inquisition: Dorian. My favourite companion in the entire game. Dorian is perfectly written, voiced and has such a wonderful story. Dorian really won my heart over with his story, and he really cares SO DEEPLY. I truly love him.

For Veilguard, I'm eyeing Davrin currently. I'm intrigued but not completely sold yet!

Darling, it's spa day.

Gosh, same! And I make no apology for it, the elves need all the wins they can get. So far, mine is...

  • Avel Surana, my elf Circle mage taken from the Denerim Alienage at 7 who romanced Zevran, killed the werewolves for Zathrian's Dalish, saved Denerim's alienage from Tevinter slavers and used his influence after ending the Fifth Blight to uplift the elves of the alienage.

  • Mage Hawke who romanced Fenris, was best friends with Merrill and helped the Sabrae clan whenever he could. Also aided the Mages because he couldn't stand the Chantry and the Templars through the entire playthrough.

  • Cilranin Lavellan, my Dalish archer who denied being Andraste's chosen, chased every pro-elven option in-game, put Briala in charge of puppet Gaspard, followed the rituals in the Temple of Mythall, drunk from the Well of Sorrows and now wishes to redeem his dear friend Solas. He romanced Dorian and has put lots of of pressure on his amatus fixing things for elves back in Tevinter.

Now, I'm planning for my Rook to be an elf Veil Jumper and I have my sights trained on Davrin!

Darling, it's spa day.

I'm definitely going to be an elven Veil Jumper, likely a Dalish elf. Right now I'm glancing between Rogue (Veil Ranger) and Mage (Battle Mage), but I'll decide that when we know more about how they look and feel!

I would love to play a city elf again though, probably as a Shadow Dragon.