I say I’m originally from town A but grew up in town b so I feel like I’m from both places.

Haha yep I was the foley whisperer on the med/surg floor

This all makes sense and has been my timeline experience with Sag men😂😂

This is the window equivalent of turning a cedar ceiling into sheetrock hell.

My ascendant is at 29 degrees Capricorn. I feel like I’ve been going through it since 2007-8.

I wouldn’t have any discussion with him. Make your moves in silence. No need to announce them.

Wait, do YOU want to date anyone?

All this flash and flair for a shitty Jim beam manhattan???? No thanks

Do us all a favor and quit medicine. Perhaps customer service is more your speed. The absolute unhinged EVIL of going into insurance to deny claims is beyond comprehension.

Yes. A third party vote helped Trump win in 2016 and it’ll help him now. It’s not rocket science

I used to paddle over from the marina about a decade ago before the marina area really blew up. It was always tough getting back in, and can’t imagine how much it’s changed with more boats and people in the area. Be safe, OP!

Ha sorry I did mean Joseph Smith and his golden plates and all those wild stories

Have you ever read much about John Smith?

Also, I’ve always wondered why so many Mormons have $$$

I have miss in my yard growing like this too! I love it and wish my whole yard was like this.


The BC folks come down here and pay no taxes but are gumming up traffic and making Costco a much more miserable experience than it has to be.

Because without a population of working class peons, who will do the labor for the wealthy?

Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, cap rising and baby I’m super intense but hide it well