inspired, not based on. which means they can do whatever they want not beholden to the real world. it's a chinese anime game, get used to it. If you expected anything else that one's entirely on you and you were on some serious copium sorry to say

lol fucking chill dude. plenty of people new to the genre/games in general, particularly on mobile, are gonna have issues. I've helped a few people who weren't avid gamers with genshin and the exam was def a stickler point a couple times for them

regardless what's it to you? What possible connection do you have to the exam anymore at this point that it affects you so much to be a shit about it? Do you use the ancient memory as a bragging point as if you beat a souls boss or something? Relax and take a deep breath, the *scary* gliding exam nerf isn't going to hurt you I promise lmao

Yakuza is 1:1 in the areas they do

source: I *live* in Japan, Tokyo at that. Kamurocho is almost exactly like Kabukicho aside from obviously fictional building swap outs. Hell the Don Qi is in exactly the same spot you'll find it IRL

like Minecraft you say.....the game that the vast majority of the time has towns spawned halfway into the terrain and are fucked to hell because of it.... ya can't see why *that* isn't on the table for a hand crafted world

As someone who doesn't get compelled to feel they *have* to finish every little thing on a map, for me it is. Not a jab at people that do either, just saying thanks to that I never get stressed by that sort of thing as I know some do. I love always having somewhere new I can run around and explore, little things to go back to areas I ran through before and grab things I've overlooked, etc.

I get how some would get exhausted though, it's entirely fair, but I suppose ultimately whether the size is good or not is a subjective concept where nobody is really wrong.

that's a hot take. you can argue whether or not you *like* genshin's content style, nothing wrong with not liking it, taste is subjective after all. but even remotely trying to say Genshin doesn't have *quality* is just taking the piss

nah it's not skill issue on your part. as someone who lives and breaths rhythm games and plays several instruments (if only one of them really well to be fair).... the game is terrible. the control and UI format isn't great to begin with (there's a reason any good mobile rhythm game has the button prompts overlap with where you actually need to touch the screen) but with the weird timing and frame lag on top of that just make the game feel absolutely awful.

while not every mini game they've made has interested me, this one is by and far their most straight up unpolished. probably just bit off more than they could chew with this update adding in so much between this, the Dave the diver mini game, etc

counterpoint, we would have gotten a minimal *fraction* of the characters and content we have now and the map would be a fourth of the size it is now in genshin. it's more than chill enough as it is I'm perfectly fine with the gacha element for everything we've gotten in exchange.

4 years of content and map expansions and I've paid like, the price of a bit over two and a half triple A games on it, hell I spend far more on ff14 than I do genshin

"it's so easy to not care or interact with the point you're griping about"

apparently not so easy according to *your* post history lol.

I can promise you plenty absolutely did not. some of the old tales games, bang dream didn't until about two years in (and even then it's a shit system), FGO for the longest time, etc

they're giving like 180 pulls for launch promotion. on top of whatever f2p currency you get don't think it'd be possible *not* to get her if you want her. especially if it's like genshin and has hard caps on pity

jokes aside, I don't know if they could do a good ship sailing game honestly. just because a dev is *really* good at making one game does not mean they can make any game of any genre

honestly the best way to play it is to spend the first run just screwing around. exploring the mall, killing zombies, gaining levels, etc *then* you give a serious effort to the story the second run. After that maybe finally give a hard push for a completionist run.

it's technically possible to completionist the first run through if you *really* know what you're doing but it wasn't really intended for that, that's why they give you multiple "bad endings" to see as you go through and carry over all your progress between runs

eh, no worse for me now than when I was in the states


man you are *all* over the thread spewing pure unadulterated armchair expert bs aren't you?

source: as someone who *actually* lives in Japan, Tokyo at that, your bs claims of extreme cost of living and shit in earlier parts of the post are unfounded bs. cost of living between here and the states are night and day, *especially* for cities like LA

that's only half the story, cost of living is also *cheaper* here compared to the US. Pay is still a current hot topic here, but comparing pay here to the states is set up for a stupidly out of proportion conversation

If you let it hover, calling it in effectively helps with clearing the map though just fyi. that extraction shuttle clears like half the damn map of enemies if you leave them on hover and farming poi's and enemy outposts gets so much easier.

that's only in response to point two though, your first point about trust obviously still applies

ohhhh it's happened. had exotics and died dropping them on the ground. rando ran over picked them up, and *immediately* hauled ass to the edge of the map to purposefully drop them off a cliff so they couldn't be picked back up. with the beeline they did there was no mistaking the intent.

by the time I ran to where they "died" and realized exactly what they did and kicked them they were just about to drop a second batch of rares off another edge. Had to shoot another rando once that was about to try it as well. Does it happen often? absolutely not, but it *does* happen, and the experience is enough to start making you antsy when randos start doing things

hell they keep like half the damn map clear long as they have a sightline. love calling them in early to help make map exploration go much smoother

now I'm curious what they would do if we managed to community wide decide to effectively fail every and any defense and MO. purposefully spreading ourselves too thin, etc

purely hypothetical obv cause good luck getting people to intentionally fail things and pass up medals and shit, but if we "retaliated" by constantly letting the enemy win it would be funny watching arrowhead try and somehow flip the narrative.

or they call our bluff and we get to see super earth under attack, which means we don't have to go to hellmire, win/win.

they don't need a cow, they have Momotaro Dentetsu lmao, they're doing *just* fine

redditors talking out their ass about things they have no knowledge of what they are talking about, tale as old as time....