What 3 tools do you prefer? I’ve used Apollo & Instantly. But heard lots of great things about Clay

Smartlead vs Instantly

Which one do you like more? Why?

Cheaper Alternative to Clay?

What are some cheaper alternatives instead of Clay? Mainly want to search LinkedIn for companies, search people via position names, grab emails and social handles.

With their self hosted version, if the instance goes down, does the site stall? That’s my issue with self hosted of other analytics and heat map scripts in the past, which gave self hosted analytics a poor taste for me. I don’t mind giving up all privacy TBH…heck I wish I could give up even more privacy to Google if they can reduce our monthly Google Workspace pricing 😆

Best Free Non-Self Hosted Alternative to Google Analytics?Question

Funny enough, I am Google Analytics certified, and I am fairly good at using it to get to what I need but the problem is it is no longer enjoyable. It is slow AF. I don't need to conduct a funnel analysis report each time I login. I simply want to see how I am doing between last week, yesterday and today. For that I have found Wordpress's JetPack stats to be quite enjoyable to use on a day to day basis as my "daily driver" for stats, and only Google Analytics when I am doing something meaningful such as campaign launches, website redesigns, etc. But I have sites in Next.js and non-Wordpress sites. I have tried Cloudflare Analytics but the numbers are too inflated. What do you guys recommend for a FREE and NON SELF HOSTED (I like open source and self hosted for some stuff, but not for something like my analytics) alternative to Google Analytics that's simple to use for many sites?

Same here. Constantly have to stop and redo nom run dev. Add —turbo flag to next dev helped a bit as far as speed but still terribly slow in Docker container

Did you remember Dranet or DBZ Game Info forum?

If you’re building a backend and you prefer to do it with NextJS, since every other project you have uses Next JS, that only you and internal team members use - using something like Bootstrap or Bulma is easier. Otherwise you’re creating UI that no one will see anyways.

I am in the same boat. I spent a lot of time scheduling posts to go out to Mastodon using *their* API. I got hit with suspension due to "spam" but it is not, I am just sharing statistics around my industry. I am not messaging anyone with advertisements; it is all on my own profile.

I think you miss the point. The point is delayed gratification, where you sacrifice for years until you have enough assets where the cashflow from those assets pay for your living expenses. Most people cannot delay gratification for 5 to 10 months, let alone 5 to 10 years to achieve their goals. 🤷🏻‍♂️ My take is you need to sacrifice, but sacrifice for something worthwhile - master the skills of building businesses that 1) are meaningful to you and 2) cashflow. Otherwise, you're just slaving for someone else. And if that's the case, then yeah skipping out on your coffee can brew some resentment.

NextAuth Adding Edit User Profile to User Not WorkingNeed help
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What is the cleanest way to describe the power of Next.js to a Laravel or Django layman?

I came from a PHP background from the days of PHP 4.3 and road it all the way to PHP 8.1 so this is not a diss to PHP at all. But it has become abundantly clear that frameworks like Laravel in PHP and Django in Python, even with server optimizations, never matches the speed clicking around an app as an end user as something developed using Next.js or Nuxt.js. Laravel and Django developers I've ran into seem oblivious to this. To me, it isn't even about the framework preference as it is just a completely different animal altogether with hybrid rendering (SSR + CSR). I've called these "reactive websites" or websites with "hybrid rendering" or "websites that do not require a page refresh, but the initial load is SSR so it is great for SEO but is hydrated by JavaScript later on" but the first is often confused with responsive websites, and the second they just see it as another optimization such as switching Apache with LiteSpeed, and the last is too verbose and still doesn't communicate it clearly. Fundamentally, it is a very different animal as a user of a Laravel/Django/etc. website versus a Next/Nuxt website. The speed is night and day. Is there a standard term to basically make a distinction between websites with hybrid rendering and the SSR-only dinosaur websites of the past?

How do I continuously deploy using Docker and avoid downtime during build? 🤬

I used Vercel for static websites but once a database is introduced, it is an uphill battle so I just use Docker. However, whenever I push to Github, I need to login to the server to pull from Github and run npm run build. Is there a way to automate this process? Also, is there a way to keep the previous build until the rebuild is successful and completed, kind of how Vercel does it? Thanks! 🙏

If someone's head is a literal trashcan, such as with Count Binface, that could be a potential indicator that person is "trashy".

She’s got rock solid abs from the looks of it, what you talking about

Whose heard this one before from a company you’ve worked for? “We’re like a family here”

This sounds like a nightmare to create your own routing…especially once you have to write logic for dynamic routes and catching parameters. I’d say just go with another framework that embraces routes in a single file at that point.

This is incredible! Thank you! Question - are these animated SVGs where we can change the color of the icons beyond the 4 that is available in the configuration?

I clicked here thinking you were going to tie in the Pokemon into Next.js somehow. I was greatly disappointed, but you've introduced me to a new UI components library so I want to say thank you.

I mean you can’t be retarded, but if you’ve passed high school, you can learn to code and get a job. It’s more about discipline and consistency than intellect. Intellect can get you there a lot quicker but you can make up for that with discipline and a longer time horizon.

That tree on the right should definitely get chopped. It ruins the composition of the main tree, which is healthy and beautiful.

I’ve been training for and with the KFC

Bruh you said nothing lol. It’s like someone asking for help with a math problem and all you say is “arithmetic”