Perhaps the geckos have gone rogue against the other reptilians?

July the 5th is the day America wakes up with fewer extremities than it did before

I got permanently banned from the old Steam forums for racism when I made a joke about Australia (am Australian)

All dentists want you to brush your teeth with toothpaste. The 9/10 thing is a question loaded by a particular brand's agenda; the consumer sees the results of the survey but not the question. The tenth dentist still wants you to brush your teeth, but probably isn't getting a nice little cash bonus from Colgate.

I like how there was one robot hand in a junk yard that seemed important but was just an innocuous piece of scenery. But then that hand came back with vengeance in the remakes.

I found Vivec more tedious than confusing. It doesn't take long to get the gist of the layout and once you do it's pretty easy to understand... just annoying to navigate.

Still, it's a pretty neat trick. They wanted to create a large bustling city like the ones in Daggerfall but had to get around limitations, which is why they had to build Vivec in such a unique way to make it feel huge. Another thing that made the game feel bigger was its short draw distance.. I've been playing recently with some overhauls that allow unlimited draw distance, and you can basically see Vivec not far from the coast of Seyda Neen.

I always saw that school of magic in Daggerfall but never knew what the hell it meant

Under mine I got a rum ad by that formerly bearded bloke from Parks and Recreation

I started at 9, and all the evidence would be in my childhood room which I lost access to long ago. It's always been on my mind but I imagine it's all destroyed.

Somehow I knew you were a Queenslander from your other post

It grows on the side of streets where I live

I can't even fantasize about doing that

We may be cool but we're always on the edge of falling apart. As for honest? In some ways it's one of the most dishonest industries around.

I've seen better acting in porn