No answer but goddamn if Gomez isn't my role model

Not quite this severe, but this is where I'm at with my current job. I am moving, and gave them a month notice, with the full stipulation that my remaining time there will be "x schedule" that I handed them. This was agreed upon and signed off on. They went on to modify and post the new schedule, changing my days without my consent. I won't be informing them of the mistake, simply showing up when I told them I would. Then again, I have a fair amount of money squirreled away for the move, so I'm lucky enough to be safe in case they retaliate.

The worst guy you know found a way to slut shame someone that's socially acceptable. At least for now. That's it.

One time someone threw change from their dresser on me and said "here's your whore money". I was too busy laughing to leave so maybe not that.

As much as possible, whether sex is a possibility or not. Dudes, clean your dick.

Right? Like weird mushy white dude mouth that's somehow just a little too toothy? Mouth of Sauron ass

I briefly dated someone who did OF and she was the messiest person I ever met. All the garbage and laundry was there in the room, just out of frame of the camera. Physically she was flawless, but she didn't make me feel good about myself and kept saying how hot I would be if I started working out again, so I broke it off.

I'm a grown man. My nails are painted and it has led to more conversations with women than I can even remember. Straight or not, he'll be fine.

My partner blurted it out in a text after like 3 weeks of seeing each other. Turned out to be mutual and I drove to their place to cry it out (happy tears) together. Just gotta shoot your shot.

I got out of a 10+ year relationship and found someone new. Not only better, but the absolute love of my life. We've been together a year now and are moving cross country to start a life together next month. It can be done.

I was clumsy as fuck on a first date. Like I spilled water down my shirt, knocked over food, sent a piece of sushi flying because I was nervous and forgot how to chopstick... It was bad. She thought I was cute, so she asked me to follow her to a bar where I proceeded to knock her beer over. She led me back to her place and I tripped on the way.

Welp looks like it's time for me to be hitting the ol dusty trail

I got some bad news a few days back and absolutely broke down in front of my partner. You know what she did? She held me. That's love and support.

Divorce your wife, bro. She ain't worth it.


You ever give a cat a lil smooch on the forehead? That.