I mean sure, but CrunchLabs is chocked full of educational stuff. That's his entire main goal now.

And while those sub boxes are expensive, they pack tons of value and he still gives all the videos out free on the CrunchLabs channel.


Like this is him doing beginner Arduino stuff. Literally educating children. So I'm not sure I agree with the idea he's not aiming to educate kids, when that's his entire vision being executed well via CrinchLabs.

CrunchLabs now funds the rest of the videos. While you may be losing interests, he's selling tons of them and that's now the money maker and mission.  And the product is solid quality and helps kids get into STEM, so while that's stills selling out, it's not like he's out here buying Twitter so he can mock his enemies or anything. Lol

People just got old and haven't realized Mark isn't going to age up with them. He's going to stick to his core target market of kids and teens. 

And that's totally fine. 

People can move to plenty of other adult STEM YouTubers like James Bruton, etc.

I think the reality is you just got older. As a long time adult now lol, you get used to aging out of the target demo of products you enjoyed as a teen. 

Mark's demo hasn't changed, he's doing what it takes to sell and market to his target demo. And that's now Gen Alpha, not the first wave of Gen Z. 

:OWard: Pato O'Ward
  1. Ends Bus Bros.

  2. Cheats.

  3. Spends part of his victory speech thanking the people who were suspended for helping him cheat and playing the victim like his struggle of being held accountable was anyone's fault but his own.

From your post it seems like you're just looking for a control box case?

You can get them cheaper and at various sizes at an actual Harbor Freight.


I don't understand why you're being downvoted lol. It was 1,000% clear.

This to me is why this post feels like a hatchet job for some reason.

Like, we all got the pdf man, it's been around for months and now you're here to "expose your views on it" lol.

Cool bro lol.

It's just as easy to say "AI doubters get off on ruffling their fedoras at the imaginary tech bro living in their heads rent free."

All of this tech gets better year by year. People just keep pushing the bar of what is good enough for them as they sip their coffee.

Is this a human bred pony or an AI bred pony because MY RANCH WILL ONLY STOCK AUTHENTICALLY SOURCED BREEDS!

Especially since the free trials just ended and I cancelled cause I just can't justify 2 AI subs and 4o was clearly superior for all my main use cases.

Which is absolutely fine.

I just have a lot of eyeroll action when artists tell me AI Art isn't like human art because humans create from their soul or something.

I don't believe we do. We are the culmination of all our experiences and multimodal training via our senses and memory and we remix those into "new things" and that's before you get to how social we are as creatures and fuel everything in teams.

If I go to art school and study other artists work and all the work of past human efforts, I am training. The AI is doing the same thing at far faster speeds and combinations beyond my own lifespan could pull off.

You can say that's not authentic and sure. But the AI creates just as we do. The sad part we don't want to accept is that the AI doesn't need to understand or "feel" emotions to create something with meaning to humans. It just has to study all the products with meaning to humans and statistically reproduce something that replicates what a human with emotions would produce 100% of the time.

The process doesn't matter if the end product is the same.

We can be smug about it. But this would be arguably different.

She's purely speculating and we can doubt her with ease.

But AGI isn't "Now we use cars instead of horses."

It's "There's this thing that can learn and do anything including design and train its own physical forms to accomplish what it wants in the real world and it will be better at doing that then humans are."

That would clearly be different.

It's not replacing the horse and running into new challenges. It's replacing the human and any new challenges it would solve without us lol.

Reddit armchair engineer smugly doubts AI.

It's all well beyond a circlejerk at this point.

This is for me why I struggle with a lot of arguments that human creativity isn't just patterns remixing. George asking for this and Williams delivering are no different to me than how GenAI works.  Sure it's not Williams doing pure "creative flow" of his own, but at the end of the day, even when he goes to do that, he's calling all his past knowledge and musical training/listening/reading of every other humans sounds and remixing them into something.

The AI that would do film soundtracks wouldn't be trained to do it the way you're imagining.

It would be trained on a million films and their soundtracks and then know those patterns for where those things need to happen.

You want to imagine they're not patterns, but they absolutely are. The humans who score it are using notes and musical moments that emphasize these things in specific repeated ways.

There will be film AI, it's just currently bottlenecked still by compute cost. But as these super AI compute farms start being built and completed these things will follow the same path mid journey and Dall-E have.

It will create products that are impossible to distinguish from the music you describe.

The only difference will be that you choose to value authorship and authenticity.

But the product itself will be replicated as it's all just patterns and to make emotional and meaningful music products, AI simply needs to be trained on emotional and meaningful music.

Manual labor is only hard because it requires robot training and cost efficiency. 

The better AI gets at robot training and movement simulation, the faster manual labor is simply a step outside the digital for AI. 

https://youtu.be/dDbAS-QX17Y?si=vrZ9gTEXQe6TCC2w At the end of the day digital or physical won't be a limitation of the AI, but instead a question of "Has anyone cared to train the robot for that task yet?" because it could be done if we wanted to. 

Just like how they're working on building chemistry labs with a robotic arm so that AI can be trained to run their own science experiments. 

It doesn't have to understand.  Look at the way 4o ScarJo Sky voice has inflections and conveys emotion that 100% can and will manipulate people.  

It doesn't have to understand the meaning behind why it generates responses. It just has to generate the correct response.  

It doesn't have to laugh because a joke is funny.  

It just has to know "You should laugh now."

Gen Z will be the first wave adopters.

Gen Alpha will grow up with it and navigating ethics of old and new world.

Gen Beta will befriend it and see zero ethical issues with fully integrating it into their lives.

Lol so many people here not using GPT4 and spouting the old shit about 3.5 still. It's exhausting.