I live in a big neighborhood of mainly Millennials and Gen-X. I definitely see a trend of vehicles parked outside and the garage filled with garbage…

This made me do the opposite, if I haven’t used it in a year, it goes…


I’m an ASE master tech with 19 years experience. I decided to make the switch to Tesla back in 2009, I was the 409th employee at Tesla. I heard a lot of gruff from friends and family “bad idea” “we’ll see ya back in a year” etc… But we only continued to grow, I eventually helped hire some of those ney-sayers and they now much prefer working on EVs.

Because of my experience I now work at Lucid Motors as a head technical trainer teaching new recruits how to work on the cars. I make 4X what I was making as a dealer technician.

None of this would have happened if I stayed at my comfy dealer technician role… My point, take the risk, find an early EV company and pour your passion into the job. I’ve watched many other colleagues go from technical roles, to management roles, training roles, even engineering roles. It’s easy to move up into the corporate area of these companies, something that’s nearly impossible at legacy automotive companies.

And no, EVs ain’t going anywhere… there’s like ~7 million on the roads now and growing year-to-year.

Is the Web open yet? That was my vote but I guess that had a fire, unsure of their hours currently…

Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi I-Miev, Fiat 500e, Mini Cooper SE, Chevy Bolt

You need someone to come Diagnose what’s either loading your system too much, or you have a broken meter.

For comparison I our 2,200sq/ft home has TWO electric cars, a heat-pump AC system (typically on 70°) electric stove, etc… and my monthly bill is $125-$145.

So your mom saw a single un-scientifically based, non-peer reviewed, non-control based YouTube and she’s gonna take that as FACT?

That’s the problem with today’s society, a single BS video can sway a group of people. While true science is ignored…

Has she compared the electromagnetic output of a un-shielded 80A alternator of a gasoline car? Or the 70,000v ignition system?

Does your mom use a microwave? Hold a phone to her head when talking? She’s probably exposed to far more, and focused EM on a daily basis. Even the HVAC fan of your home is emitting a localized EM. The washer/dryer and dishwasher too…


So, the eCVT is very reliable, there is no shifting with traditional clutch materials like most Automatic transmissions so the fluid stays pretty clean in comparison.
I’d aim for 125-140K mile fluid changes. I’ve seen some neglected eCVTs with 200,000+ and no records of fluid changes. Remarkably they work fine…

Ford really crapped the bed with the Maverick…

  • Hybrid drivetrain was standard, now added cost

-Cyber orange replaced key tan… TAN… ugh.

-Dealers gouging with “MaRkEt aDjuStmEnTs” I literally saw a Maverick for $58,000 at one point, like WTF. It was supposed to be $21K

-Just make a PHEV version. There isn’t a single PHEV truck on the market, and being that the Maverick drivetrain & chassis are based on the Escape it wouldn’t be rocket science to toss a 14Kwh battery under the seat/cab and a plug in the fender.

Wish more people knew this. As a previous Ford tech their Hybrid stuff is crazy reliable.

100% this. I frequent this area on my motorcycle. Typically low traffic and very fun roads. If you go a bit further to Fallsburg park the covered bridge is worth it.

Cars aren’t investments, they’re tools to take your lazy ass places. Matching 401Ks, Mutual funds, real-estate, etc… are ACTUAL investments. Cars ALWAYS lose value and cost money to operate.

Just keep it for 12-15 years and get your moneys worth from gas/maintenance savings. Stop flipping constantly and it really isn’t an issue.

You knew the cost of the vehicle when you purchased it and you agreed that was “ok” but now it’s not? What if in two years there’s another Covid situation and car values skyrocket? Markets are volatile and values change. Just enjoy your trouble free ultra-quick Model-Y. I sure as hell enjoy mine.

Silver/grey wheels > black

Nice job!

True, but it’s pretty hard to spin the tires in eco mode, whereas normal mode is fairly easy.

Tesla wall connectors can be installed on a 4x4 post. As a previous mobile tech I saw many people do this and it works for outdoor use.

You save your tires and have less fun.

Ouch, that sucks… I’ve heard some rough experiences regarding Jasper products.

Definitely go to Community Auto, they specialize in Euro cars, they love the oddball Mercedes, Audi, BMW, VW, etc…

Ask to talk to Jeff, he also teaches Auto repair at the local college (GRCC)

100%, Michigan driver here- anything with winter tires beats anything with all-seasons regardless of wheels driven.

The owners are amazing people too

Not exactly over in that area, but as a 20yr experienced mechanic that’s well connected on the area these are my independent shop recommendations

-Oneills transmission (they do lots more that trans work, I used to work there)

-Rhonda of Lowell

-Cascade Auto

-Community Auto

-Ervines Auto repair

Avoid Christian brothers chain, I’ve seen them sell people unnecessary things to meet sales goals.

As a mechanic I hate seeing shops/people doing this. Please report it to the state they will investigate.
