Some people are better at presentation than preparation. You know most of the late night show hosts don't write their own material, right?

Unless he is elected President and suspends the Constitution and declares martial law and abolishes all independent states.

There is. You have people interpret what they see when you present them with samples of various specific color frequencies, some matching and some not, and there is generally a consensus that when someone sees "red" most other people - those who don't have a specific perceptual difficulty like color-blindness - will also see the same "red."

As I said above, they can even do it by training cats and dogs and other animals to respond to particular colors in order to determine the range of their ability to perceive those specific frequencies/colors.

No. There are scientific ways to determine whether or not different people are seeing the exact same color. It even works with animals like dogs and cats. This is not a philosophical question, it's scientific.

Concentrating on pleasing the other person definitely takes the focus away from getting your own ya-yas out, generally diminishing your personal pleasure.

The less I watch regular broadcast TV the more I see that none of the characters react anything like a real, normal person would, and certain not in the commercials. They act the way they're expected to act in the "TV/movie world," which is a bland, unrealistic pastiche of every play, TV show or movie ever since the beginning of recorded time.

That doesn't explain the multiple versions of Sherlock Holmes.

According to Chuck Lorre, the producer for 2-1/2 Men, they tried making the Jake character more realistic and smart, but it just wasn't as funny.

Very fortunate to have set up a still camera right where it does all the gymnastics. Seems to be "playing" to the camera a bit.

Nothing conclusive without additional verifiable and causally linked hard evidence.

We could be sentient crystals floating in space and living on gamma rays in pure bliss.

See that, God? FIFY

Nothing much. It's just a more expanded and visual version of the same thing I was doing in 1992 on Usenet on the BBS run by my local college.

I would prefer to have a self-contained, solar-powered video player that was motion activated that would play images and audio directly on the tombstone itself.

"Hello! You may be wondering how I got myself in this predicament."

Children who put playing cards in the spokes of their bikes, why do you enjoy that?

George Carlin said kids smoke for the same reasons adults do. To reduce stress.

That's a "brake check." It's because people feel like driving is some kind of race, and if somebody cuts them off or gets in front of them then they feel the need to correct or regulate them personally. It can also be a way to fraudulently get an injury claim if there is a collision.

Dash cams have made this much less common. They should be standard equipment on all cars and trucks.

It generally goes back to the idea that for most horror, the terrorized person has committed some kind of "sin," and is being punished for it. Of course, you can't show them doing something too heinous, like burning kittens alive, but being sexually promiscuous can have sinful overtones without an audience completely rejecting the character, who you still need to root for.

"Lost your kid? Well, check over next to the Snack Bar and you'll see an open shipping container. Check to see if they're in there. If there is not a shipping container there right now, just wait 20 minutes and there will be another one."

When I was a kid my brother and I threw some .22 bullets hard onto the sidewalk to see if they would pop like caps. They did!

"Is there a shiv making class in here, and if there is, where do I sign up?"

Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher. Very talented actor, but there's no way his average 5' 9" body can act good enough to be 6' 5" and appropriately intimidating.

Not taking them currently because my depression went away, but back when I was taking them they were good at first at just giving me a break from the constant negative thoughts in my head so I could actually be positively motivated about life and other things. Also, it was fun to be able to taste things again.

I stopped taking them when I felt like I had cleared a lot of the negativity out of my head and got annoyed with the impotence. I used to joke that it was ironic that I finally found something that allowed me to overcome my pathological social anxiety and chat up the ladies only to find out I had no sex drive and mostly didn't care.

I know people say that. But history isn't a switch that turns on an off. Even if nothing happens, the history books would record that nothing happened.