Yeah the shadow of the woods is so powerful it’s the only game where “dying” is actually fun.

Didn’t know that. Thanks for the tip!


Thanks! We’ll see today. Needed the Modge Podge to dry overnight so it wasn’t tacky. I’ll report back.

She was, she walked out with Travis at the end of the show with a Diamondbacks jersey on.

Someone in the comments wrote it out.

We have no windows open right now in Arizona. I can assure you of that.

I can assure you it wasn’t intentional if that helps you sleep better.

The ratio of people to cake is too Big.

It wasn’t. It was in the shape of a rectangle with a point.

Someone else said that too. I graduated high school in 99 so I only know the OG paper football. 😂


It was folded tight in a rectangle shape with a point. No idea how it was done. Edit: missing a word

Sure dude… this is what I do in my spare time. 😂

I’ll sell you mine lol. I have about 250 Funko and trying to downsize.


G19x, G19.5, G22.4

I too like RDR…