Betting 200m on blackjack app when my balance is only 215m.

I have since found a new vet.

Rambler was my dog. So what if I was selfish? He was hurting, and struggling.

It seemed more selfish to me to allow him to be poked, prodded, and tested on in the state he was in. They admitted they didn't know exactly what was wrong with him, so essentially he would've been a research project.

I had Rambler since he was 8 weeks old, and picked him out of the litter at 2 weeks old.

Thank you for your kind words.

The worst part is, we got a new dog, and took him to the vet #2 in the story. They had changed hands in the meantime, owned by a larger national network of vets. They had a huge sign in the waiting room and a smaller one in the exam room pushing for Simparica Trio. We left promptly once the vet kept pushing it on us.

We have since found a compassionate and caring vet that our new boy Duke loves.

Hits close to home.

In mid December 2022, we gave our 7 y/o small dog mix a new flea/tick/mosquito regimen called Simparica Trio.

Within 4 weeks, he started having urinary problems, couldn't walk longer than about a block, had seizures, and went from 19 pounds to 12 pounds. The weight loss was within 3 weeks. He was completely healthy, albeit maybe 2 pounds overweight, before the dose of SIMPARICA TRIO.

The vet determined it was a kidney disorder, however no tests were done. A second vet questioned why the first vet would immediately diagnose without testing. They also said he had diabetes and put him on insulin. The daily insulin shots made him worse, and he went down to 10 pounds.

We brought Rambler in to the vet on January 20th 2023, and had to make the ugly decision to euthanize him. My philosophy is I could no longer do anything for him, and he trusted me to be his protector and always do what's best for him.

The vet said since we could not afford the extra work they wanted to perform on him, one of the vet techs would adopt him but we would give up all rights to him. I was angered beyond belief. All the research we had done on the new drug SIMPARICA TRIO showed Rambler had the same symptoms as many dogs that passed away after taking it.

We declined. They said they would take Rambler in the back to administer the euthanasia. I told them I never believed in abandoning your dog in a new, sterile, and unsure place. I opted to hold him during the dosing. I also feared I may see him in town again at some point.

Rambler quietly and calmly went to sleep in my arms, and never woke up. My girlfriend took him to hold him and say her goodbyes (he was mine for 2 years before hers) and his limp body flopping in my arms was my break. I bawled and the vet left.

2 minutes later, the front desk agent came in with a handheld payment system and said they were ready to take payment. I went ballistic and told them when I was ready, I'd be out to pay. Their lack of compassion during my time was completely bewildering. I recall swearing and yelling at the text and needing to be calmed by my fiance.

I know my story will be buried, but I hope that one person reads it and sees our experience with a terrible vet and a terrible drug, SIMPARICA TRIO.

Glasses so strong yet you still can't see you're the reason for the divorce

Love all the down votes. Go ahead. This dog clearly had overly grown nails.

A Dremel does wonders.

They were caught within 1 hour of the video going viral.

Sir or madam,

This is reddit.

If you don't agree with the original post, you are wrong.

when does the final comic come out so I can read them in order

Hot take: A spank should be the punishment for a dangerous action by the child, like reaching for a hot burner or running towards traffic.

A spank is not necessary for something such as tossing a toy at a sibling or not listening to direction

Rage bait title. She didn't donate to her boss. She donated her kidney to a stranger as she wasn't compatible with her boss blood type. This allowed the boss to move up on the transplant list.