Red Dead Redemption 2 or if you have PlayStation God of War

I would like to see an interaction between Hagrid and Sirius, how he looked and talked when giving his flying motor bike away to Hagrid to use. There’s not really anything in the books besides Hagrid saying he ran into him and that he gave him the bike. That was it in the books but would be cool

Interesting question. The description of it everywhere I can find always says “a state of suspended animation” so my guess is that they don’t age. Basically a sleeping beauty/Snow White effect.

I enjoyed the beginning part of the series. I think I lost interest after the old man died. Saw no point in the movies really continuing.

First time was Sirius dying but mostly due to what Harry is loosing. Loved Sirius but him actually dying wasn’t as sad as what Harry was loosing. Then it was Dobby’s death. After that when I read Fred was dead I cried so hard

I learn 2 bunny ears, loopy loop and pull. Never learned the one bunny ear way and don’t care to try now. I was I believe 5

It definitely leads into in the 6th book. It’s not just out of the blue. It builds throughout the year

I think the Weasley twins would have found a way to still make their joke shop happen. Just no where near as cool and good as what they had due to Harry’s investment. As for the poison I still think someone would have been poisoned but not the intended person. Reason is due to Slughorn keeping the bottle for himself. So Slughorn would have been poisoned, and possibly others if he was sharing it like it.

Having less things to worry about. As a kid we had no problems. Parents handled the bills. My brothers and I literally could go do anything, mind you with in limits of what my parents allowed 😂

Plus just lightsaber hilt is just class 👌🏼

What book version you reading. She was way more badass. Especially starting in the 5th book she starts standing out more. She had a way more prominent role in the books as being a well rounded witch who could hold her own in a duel and on the quidditch pitch

Was that memory in the books? I need to do another reading of the books 😂 it’s been a minute.

Can people please re read my comment. My comment was all about her being a badass in the books. Not even mentioning their chemistry

Cisco Ramon! I knew first introduction of him that he was my favorite character!

I unfortunately stayed, only due to the fact Flash is my favorite comic book superhero, and I regret it. The show seriously went down hill after he left. He was literally the last hope for the show in my opinion!

lol damn yah I only got a day and a half worth of it

Never really thought about it. However, I do believe Snape knew of Wormtail. My theory is that even though Snape didn’t know who Peter Pettigrew was he probably word the name Wormtail from Voldemort, mind you he would have heard this name when he was still a Death Eater just didn’t know Wormtail was Peter. So in this scene he sees Wormtail and probably is connecting the dots, as Sirius & Peter’s confrontation was widely known. So he is in this moment figuring out Lupin is Moony. Snape is a very clever wizard. Again just my theory.

Yah I only ask for pain killers after they figured it out and did surgery. But as soon as the prescription was out I never asked for more of that. Did ask for ibuprofen though bc they forgot to send me home with it.

She definitely didnt forget as she trained Goten

It’s Chi Chi no question! Bulma does not fight. Not saying Bulma isn’t scary at times but look at how Chi Chi trained Goten. Plus she grew up learning martial arts. Now if Bulma is using tech then I can see her winning but hand to hand? Chi Chi all day

Not 100% but pretty sure they explained in the final season at some point that Chuck changed the rules to where that any soul that has been to hell can never enter heaven. I’m sure Bobby was included they just didn’t use him as a ghost or it was only souls after a certain point. They for sure said Chuck changed the rules though

I didn’t receive my BAH for being in college