VAN - NHL :61312:

That would be such a big loophole that they might as well not even bother having rules against tampering. The NHL is run by a bunch of lawyers from white shoe big law firms, that would be such a major oversight.

I will say, the CBA's section banning tampering is rather short. It reads, "Except where otherwise permitted, no Player who is a party to an SPC with a Club shall, during the term of such SPC, enter into negotiations with another Club". It's Article 7.3 of the 2012 CBA

Given the NHL enforces the "spirit" of the CBA, not just the letter, a player and/or their certified agent are likely to be considered one and the same for the purposes of entering into "negotiations" with another club

VAN - NHL :61312:

It was definitely part of the CBA from the 12-13 lock out. Can't remember if it as introduced then or already existing

VAN - NHL :61312:

Teams used to be able to negotiate with FA the week before, they just couldn't officially sign them. Now that week is officially gone but there's no chance they've changed how they operate


It's because most of the models that are putting out data mostly free to access are using a xG model based on the NHL's own data. They basically are just downloading the dataset from the NHL. But the NHL doesn't track a lot of important things like screens, shots coming off cross seam passes, but more importantly, the NHL also doesn't factor in who took the shot and who made the pass, which are huge for goalie reads.

These models really hated the way the Canucks played defense this season. Given that we have Demko, the team focused more on limiting quality chances off cross seam passes, but was content to give up low percentage shots they could trust Demko would stop. Also Boeser (along with Miller) had pretty difficult deployment this year. He played 37% of his TOI against elite competition. Getting above 35% is moving toward shutdown duty.

They even more so hated the way the Canucks played offence, because they had the opposite philosophy when they had the puck. The Canucks clearly were content to hold onto the puck until they felt they created a premium look

Also it's worth noting that the microstats are coming from Corey Snajdzder who manually tracks everything in his model, so I'd be putting more value on that than the WAR coming from TopDown, who usually just the NHL's scraped data.


Nylander has been a much more consistent producer than Boeser over recent seasons. He also had about 35% more points than Brock as the primary play driver on his line

I love Brock, but to suggest he's on the same level offensively as Nylander to this point in their respective careers would just be nonsense. If he repeats 40 goals/~75 points then, with cap inflation, Boeser is probably into the 8.5 mil range

VAN - NHL :61312:

No. The whole "future considerations" thing is because teams can no longer trade cash.

Otherwise they would just use the standard $1 as nominal consideration

VAN - NHL :61312:

I think so. I seem to remember seeing a video of him telling a story about asking to know who he'd been traded for since the GM called him into the office before the official announcement had been made.

VAN - NHL :61312:

who wants to tell OP that's not how time zones works

The Islanders have a bunch of cap space. They're also likely going to dump the last year of Lee's contract or buy it out. While his production doesn't look terrible, given he was only playing 15:30 a game, he's making 7 mil against the cap. It's a bad contract for them

Nelson is also getting old, he's not going to get a mega raise like Dobson will. Plus it's only Dobson who needs to get paid. The Islanders don't have any other young guys who are good and have the potential to leap in production

If they signed him for 8 years, it's a very real possibility


Boeser is not going to be too expensive imo. He got his career back on track last season, and his career average is back to around 65 points per 82. In the current pre-covid/flat cap climate, that would be worth around 6.5 mil.

Let's assume that Boeser doesn't re-sign this off-season and the cap goes up to 92 million for 25-26. That's ~10% growth in the cap over the next two years. Boeser would then basically just get inflation'd to somewhere 7-7.5 mil aav. Which is what his QO from his bridge deal was

Only way he stays is on a team friendly which I don’t think he takes.

I think Brock would be williing to take a more friendly AAV if the team gives him 8 years. He seems like the kind of guy who would value that kind of stability if given to him, especially with how his career has kind of been ups and downs since his ELC finished

VAN - NHL :61312:

it also sounds like Sprong might just be a bit of a jackass.

That's also fair. I wouldn't have any in depth knowledge of that though, since Sprong has never been with the Canucks. I don't really pay that much attention to rumours in other markets unless they make it to r/hockey

I'm just speculating there's probably some aspect of can't improve his defence as opposed to simply doesn't want to. I figure it's rather unlikely he's never come to the realization that if he were better defensively, he'd have a bigger role on his teams, and therefore also make a lot more money. Even if he were able to elevate himself into a middle six role instead of bottom 6, he'd probably double his annual salary

yep exactly. There's literally no potential harm to Hronek's earning potential now if the team wants to experiment. If he can do it, then people would just have nothing to say about his contract

VAN - NHL :61312:

I honestly think it's simply harder to be a legit 200 ft guy in the NHL than basically everyone makes it sound. It just requires a certain level of hockey IQ and ability to process things quickly. It's not simply only a pure effort thing.

For all we know, Sprong is aware that he sucks defensively and needs to be better at it, but just can't process the game away from the puck fast enough to be in position defensively.

Hronek may not want that tbh

Last season, definitely not. But he's gotten his bag. So not playing with Hughes for half a season wouldn't impact his earnings anymore. I'd imagine it's more fun playing with Hughes and the puck regardless though

Not much they're currently willing to part with. But given that Calgary has done quite a bit of selling, I would inquire regarding Rasmus Andersson.

If we could get him centred around a package involving our 2025 first, I think that's worth it, given that he is a legit top 4 D and costs 4.55 million for the next two seasons

But that would make likely Deharnais a pretty expensive 7th D. However, he would be a pretty solid insurance policy as that 7th D in the likely event someone gets hurt. It would also mean we could do a better job of managing Myers' workload in terms of games played, since he is getting older

Only thing I might have liked to see was going after Roy instead of Deharnais given the contacts they ended up signing. But we don't know what Roy's willingness to sign here would have been.

Yes, it would have been a long term deal to a guy who is close to 30, but with management not giving NMCs for the full term, I think we probably could have gotten out of the last few years.

I'm not confident they can play a Forbort-Deharnais pairing for close to 18 mins a nightgiven that Soucy-Myers probably isn't a bonafide second pairing either

I wonder if there might be a trade down the road

VAN - NHL :61312:

The still being in residency part I feel like is the part people are missing because they're choosing to shit on Trouba. She's functionally tied to the hospital she's at. It's not very likely she'd be able to move to a hospital near wherever he may end up traded to. The sports equivalent would be a player trying to force a trade to a team without any cap space, roster space or any known desire to acquire said player.

Brooks' last sentence of "It is not as if Dr. Tyson-Trouba can pick up, transfer her credits to another hospital, accompany her husband and still be licensed as a physician" is really the crux of the situation for Trouba and his wife.

Once she's licensed, she would have more flexibility to move around with his career because she'll just be working.

VAN - NHL :61312:

His NMC converted to a 15 team M-NTC as of this morning, which is why moving him is even a possibility

VAN - NHL :61312:

I think they're trying to say that if Trouba did get traded, he could not report to the new team and then sign with a team local to NYC.

I'm not sure what the league would say in terms of cap circumvention if he went back to the Rangers though. Honestly, if they think he's providing such little value, then they should have just bought him out. There's 4 mil dead cap the next two seasons if they had done that, but it seems like they probably think it's around that much having him on the roster anyway.

Teams usually won't quibble this much about a guy who is overpaid by 1-2 mil for two more years. They'd usually just wait it out

It seems like the coaching staff's "pairs" philosophy for line building is position agnostic. As long as they can have two guys who play well together, they just plug in a third guy to complete the line