It is an amazing product but people buy it thinking they can just plug and play which isn't the case. Most small to medium sized businesses hire people from help desk to cybersec and it just doesn't work as easy as they think it will be. I've seen it too many times as a consultant and then I have to break it to them like tuning a cyber security product isn't as easy as answering help desk tickets.

Just stop eating, I know it sounds hard but you have to see this as an addiction such as anyone who is addicted to drugs would see their addiction as. It is the only way to rationalize this. The reason it hurts and it is difficult is because you are addicted to food. I went through quite the same thing and I have to deal with this every day. I look at food and think "wow that will feel good to taste" but then I also have to remind that logical voice in my head to check if I'm actually hungry. So then I think "am I hungry or am I just bored" and sometimes I have to ask "am I hungry or am I thirsty?" You may just need to drink more water, this is how I am at night. I'm down 20 lbs and I literally haven't done anything else besides change my diet and ask those critical questions. I wasn't eating enough protein but now that I am I don't feel as hungry. This all came about because I see eating as an addiction.

Two things, 1) How do I search for jobs, 2) why are there no categories for security positions? Otherwise, thank you!

As a cybersecurity engineer, this is definitely a vulnerability in the foundation

I only have bulk for a few sets which I enjoyed buying from, but I try to stick to singles.

Nope, that is why I put the /s for sarcasm. It is actually quite a common card from the BOOster Packs found in the Trick or Trade set. It is a nice card and I definitely finished the set for myself!

yoooo no way!!!! You pulled the best one! /s

the amount of sets that just aren't that good this year are really really getting me excited for 1) Black Friday price drops 2) cheap singles. I'm going to pick up hella sealed this season and a ton of singles.

Pull rates, otherwise I was very excited for the set. Once the singles go down I'll probably grab them all.

Best Sets:

Crown Zenith


Paldean Fates

Twilight Masquerade

Paldea Evolved

Shrouded Fable TBD

Worst Sets:

All other SWSH

All other SV

Obsidian Flame/Temporal Forces/Paradox Rift lol

No, and the only good set there is Crown Zenith lmao

Motivation and applying yourself takes a lot of time to master. No one does it right, but only giving yourself a few years to master something is pitiful. The greats don't become great over night. Not everyone is an instant success story. The trick is getting into the zone and staying in the zone. Life is a marathon not a sprint. As for the military. I highly suggest it, but you have to stay focused and see an end goal or you will probably give up in 4 years which seems you cannot even make it 1 to 2 years focused on one things. I guess back track a little bit, are you addicted to something? What causes you to fail? Why aren't you removing your stumbling blocks? It sounds like you need to work on the foundation before building the tower.

You know, it wouldn't be so bad if they were genuinely into the hobby but some of the people on youtube are like crack addicts looking for a fix as they fiendishly rip pack after pack into oblivion unable to mentally climax due to not getting some super rare card. You can see it in their dopamine fried eyes that they have metaphorically hit the pipe so many times that their dopamine receptors force them to rip, rip, rip just to get through a day. It isn't even like they derive joy from seeing pokemon anymore, it is just the fact that they are chasing the hits that get them through the day. Each day probably begins with the urge to get some rips in order to get some hits. Each day is guided by their pokemon hit addicted dopamine fried brain. Think about it, how many youtubers just skip over the mons in search of the hit. It not longer appeals to them to see basic pokemon, their glassy eyes don't even see the other cards. Only the hits bring them joy.

Stay classy PSA! Just remember, never crack the slab!

did you get fired or did you move on?

nah dawg, I'm stumped. I only reasonable milked like 5 tiktok deals before I couldn't get it to work. I don't have enough dough to find a work around. Best bet is to just ask a friend if they use tiktok and if you can use their phone lol