When I was 18 (I'll be 40 in August), I made $5.25 an hour. It was shit pay. However, I had no real work history aside from working at Subway (also for $5.25) for roughly a year in high school.

I'm now making a whopping $18/hr literally saving lives. Luckily where I live, that's better than cost of living for a single person and my fiance makes twice what I do.

$11.50 for a first job, while still living with parents, when you have no job experience, really isn't that bad.

Are you a woman, cuz this is giving hardcore r/notlikeothergirls.

Reading is reading. Smut is fun escapism. Most smut readers also read other types of books too. People also tend to get into book grooves where they hyperfixate on one genre until they tour if it and move onto another.

I'd also like to know what books of "substance" you read, cuz you're coming off really pretentious.

I left Boise 3 years ago, but I got honked at a lot, driving an automatic, because I waited a beat in case of red light runners. More than once, I watched 3-4 cars run the red, so I started waiting on green.

I haven't lived in Boise for about 3 years. The red light runners got really bad very suddenly about 8ish years ago. I got honked at a lot checking both ways one more time before going through an intersection. Sorry, not risking it.

I don't like waking up early. I'm a night owl, always have been. That being said, if I have somewhere to be at a certain time, I take the necessary steps to be there on time, even if it's early. People who can't do that are just selfish. End of.

And I'm saying this as a person with AuDHD & time blindness, before anyone starts in with the neurodivergent excuses. You can be on time for work/plans with the above three. You're choosing not to & that makes you the AH.

Not new at all. I think I've experienced that in every state I've driven in. Almost had my front end taken off numerous times. Had to quickly reverse more than once to give them room.

I'm a 911 dispatcher here and it's hell getting people to hang up on non emergency calls

I'm in a very small town in Kansas now (roughly 10k). When I first moved here, my (now) fiance was here first (he moved from Oklahoma) & he kept complaining about the drivers & everything he said, I was like, "oh good, I'll be used to it already."

It's a thousand times better than Boise. 1000 times. Easily. Mainly because there's so few people. The only difference is that now that I'm a dispatcher, I know how many people are out here driving around without a license (high immigrant population, so they either have a Mexican DL or just flat none at all, and they just let their kids drive without a license because they've never had one).

I was at ICC, now ISCC. I started corrections in Oklahoma though & transferred to ICC when I moved back home. ICC had the west wing as the Mo wing

I stop at least a car length behind people and I will not stop doing that. I didn't care about the side eye I got in Boise for it & I don't care about the weird looks I get in Kansas now. I got rear-ended by a mack truck on Lake Hazel & the only thing that stopped me from rear-ending the car in front of me was that gap.

Dude stopped behind me, well after I'd stopped, so it's not like I stopped suddenly. He just gunned it as soon as the light turned green, before the car in front of me had a chance to let off the brake. He hit me twice, the second time pushing me into the intersection.

So yeah, I maintain the gap.

They were likely just in Idaho long enough to get plates. I saw a rise in that when all the transplants started flooding in. Drivers from more aggressive states can't handle the "pay attention" honk.

Now I'm in an area with really crappy drivers & I'll get pulled over if I honk and they're not about to hit me. It's bizarre.

Jewel has a whole song about it and I love it

That's a universal culture. I can't get out of my apartment complex sometimes because 2 cars are stopped chatting in the roadway. There's a big ass circle area they could park in and chat, but no, they need the roadway.

And I'm in Kansas now

On some sites, you have to use soft language to get past censors. Chomo is not just prison slang, it's also a slur. It's not new. They were using the term when I started as a corrections officer almost 20 years ago. And it wasn't new then either.

My fiance is like that. He'll leave a wallet full of cash on his center console in plain view & keys either in the ignition or beside the wallet. And I'm like yo, you're not on the farm anymore

It still required more effort than this woman was willing to put into it

I'm trying to understand what they're hoping to accomplish and why some (most) of us aren't grandfathered in automatically. I had to show my birth certificate to prove my age to get my learner's permit. Now I have to do it again to get a stamp on my DL in a state (same one I started driving in) that won't change my name on my license (despite it being on literally every other document with my name on it) because my maiden name wasn't in my divorce decree.

They refused my birth certificate, divorce decree, and social security card as proof of name change. They want me to go through the steps (and added fees) of going through the courts to change back to my maiden name. It's not like I pulled a name from a hat. It's my legal name.

One lawyer told me it was because they don't want me dodging creditors. No one gave a fuck about creditors when I got married.

That was clearly the attitude she had anyway. But instead of being an adult she did nothing.

Older cars don't have that feature. People were doing that back when cars were new.

That's also a really stupid feature and likely why I get so many 911 calls from panicked people thinking the cops can just break into their car for them.

Both of which have a side effect of suppressing appetite.

You clearly don't understand what ADHD entails. I'm not going to waste my time educating you on something you can fucking Google when you've obviously made up your mind and somehow think you're the superior one in this conversation.