Cupping balls, licking the bevel, and getting the tip wet, this is the competitive sport we love to play folks

I’ve been following a guy on Facebook (Albums of Bikini Bottom) who has been doing album arts with SpongeBob characters/scenes for years now, it’s cool to see it being done with a different show now!

Yeah beeswax is the best solution, but in a pinch I’ve used a piece of electrical tape or sticky note and those work fairly well

Where I come from, that means your armour is chk chk 👌🏼

So nice of the tornado to model for you too

To provide better feedback than “nope”,

I could maybe see the S and J, but the G and J overlap too much on the serif so they blend together, it might be difficult to make a single glyph for all three letters, and you might opt to separate them but have them flow/overlap together in a different way where they’re all clearly visible. A quick google search of “monogram logo” should help guide your efforts

But the tv is up against a wall presumably, and is crushed between the victim and the wall on impact. At least that’s what I’m seeing. I’m guessing the blood and destruction animations disregard collision with walls so it just passes through

Have used acetone, it works but beware it strips the finish off the drum if you use too much.

Blood seems to be going through the back wall? But otherwise I like the impact of B much more

What if the tip was like a little cup?

With a smaller replaceable tip, shaped like an even smaller kendama

I put that out on my island not knowing, until I watched a villager open it, and they looked about as surprised as I was

I haven’t seen it yet but now I don’t have to

No problem! You’re doing great, keep shredding dude

To be more specific, that’s an inward rotation from lunar to lighthouse, but since it’s not a full flip, the trick name would just be “regular lunar-lighthouse-in” (this way it just assumes the shortest path from lunar to lighthouse, being the 0.5 inward motion that you did)