
this must be a shitpost, right?

I didnt buy it, got it from a friend who got it from a friend

Anarchist w/o Adjectives

hey, i know someone in who would be interested. Check em out!

"the game is still being improved upon"... yeah... The infected AI still sucks ass, its been years and they still didnt fix it, and now they release a map with the same 3D assets... Sure there will be one or two new buildings, but pretty much all the towns will look the same.

Ah yes, those 13k children certainly deserved to die by Israeli fascism. Or all those journalists. Or all the other civilian people.
The apartheid must be abolished.

Synthesis Anarchist

Personally i think it's not a good idea, because capitalists will remember giving you aid, and will try to influence your politics, eventually reducing it to reformism or social democracy, because you have to act in a way always so that they will want to give you that aid.
Working together with civilian organizations is not a crime, but you should never make the mistake of giving them the oppurtinity to shift you away from anarchism.

In your situation, you could use the strategy of a german anarcho-communist federation, called Die Platform. They are using the strategy called "organizational dualism", which means that they are active in both the anarchist scene/movement, and within broader left wing like social movements. In your case it doesn't have to be left wing if there are no left wing social movements, it can be just left wing leaning.

So you and your comrades might consider having a dual organizational structure, where you try to gain influence and recognition within broader social movements by joining them in their struggles. On the other hand, internally, you'd still act as anarchists, translate books and zines (as i guess there are not a lot of translated to your language), doing mutual aid, and slowly but surely planting the seeds of change.

If you lack capital, the international anarchist movement does help out other anarchists movements a lot, but it's also good to think about having your own source of income, with book publishing, or something else.

This is just a personal advice tho, it doesn't have to be the way I say it.

Edit.: on the case of replacing the current with secular capitalism, yes it's better, but i do not think so that if the anarchist movement which is probably pretty small in your region would join the capitalists to overtrhow the religious society would matter a lot. Try to build your own alternatives, and if the secular transition will happen, it will happen without you, probably at the same time it would happen if you'd help them.

Synthesis Anarchist

Regarding the cencorship and jail time for those who criticise the government, your country isn't alone in that. In Belorussia if you do the same, you will be jailed and survailled 24/7.

You have to find a safe way to spread your ideas. Maybe start a community garden, clothes-exchanges, or other mutual-aid events. Doing these you'll draw in people who care about other people, and want to do mutual aid. And by meeting somewhat likeminded individuals, and once you get to know them, you can recommend them books, films, zines, etc. It doesn't even have to mention the word "anarchism". In a situation like yours, it's best to start things slowly and safely.

If there are already anarchists in Pakistan, that is an example for you that it is possible to get out of conservative views. It just takes a lot of time. But with determination, everything is possible.

He actually said that?

Synthesis Anarchist

Well, in Pakistan for example, the first ever anarchist congress was just held. I highly recommend speaking with them. Looks like they are doing it pretty openly. 


Kinek kellenek még a politikusok?

What are the best introductory zines for Anarchism?

Looking for some introductory zines for may 1! Thanks!


- Tommykay, at the beginning of every month, apparently... This time, for sure tho.

Anarchista jelzők nélkül

this chat is a pit of neoliberalism