Stephen King's Tommyknockers fit the bill. A town of people were altered into...something proximity to an alien artefact (a spaceship, I think, but it's a long time ago that I read it)

I've never even seen a pre wound bobbin.

Lol "accidentally". Sure, you accidentally picked up the wrong book, turned to the last page and then read all the words on said last page without at any point noticing what you were doing. I don't know, DID you ruin the story for yourself?

I loathe vacuuming. Mopping is only a pain because of the drying time, but vacuuming...ugh. I bought a robot vacuum last year. Game changer. It just does its thing every evening and I don't need to do anything except empty it once in a while

If they were cold enough they'd put pant on. Generally they just prefer shorts.

We somehow manage to grow up, raise families and die of old age here. You'd think that'd be a bit of a hint that the wildlife isn't nearly as dangerous as the stories suggest. In all serious the sun is more likely to kill you than the wildlife.

It wouldn't occur to me to stop eating poultry. You don't catch bird flu from ingesting cooked meat, you catch it from contact with the birds.

Who is the Harvey Norman generation supposed to be?

Well, I won't buy from Harvey Norman, so Ikea it is, I guess

When I feel like I'm tired. Typically any time between about 930 and midnight

Its a minuscule percentage of a global market. A small percentage of a small country (in population terms, not physical size). Yeah, a handful

There was a Play School song about having 6 (? I think it was 6) pockets in my overalls. But I don't remember any more than the first couple of lines. In my head it sounds like Monica singing, but that's probably just faulty memory

Lol, no. A handful of Aussie kids wearing designer gear will have absolutely no impact on the price of the gear.

Sounds likely, but that's such a depressingly sensible explanation for a myth that's been around for so long

I haven't seen him for probably at least 10 years. I had forgotten he even exists until this moment

Sorry, but if if it's out of warranty you're out of luck. Your expectations about how long a product should last aren't legally relevant. What matters is what's on paper.

It's a preference, that's all. I personally find I get more pleasure from reading a real book than a tablet. Others feel differently. That's fine, it's not a competition.

I don't care at all. I guess someone somewhere does, but whether they're in Sydney or Melbourne i have no idea

I turned 60 last year. I only discovered I have a degree of aphantasia a few years ago, I just never knew the way I existed is weird. I have always enjoyed books, even without "seeing" the story. Just because I can't see it doesn't mean I can't imagine it. I'm more interested in who they are and what they're doing/thinking/feeling than what they look like anyway

Books (the old fashioned sort with paper) and video games. I watch very little TV and only a couple of movies per year. If live play dnd streams count as consuming fantasy then there's a few hours a week too

All true. But.... It's just not the same, curling up with an ebook. There's just something special about a physical book

I would read that, assume the nonsense word was a typo of some sort and move on with my application. I certainly wouldn't be likely to include it in my response. But that wouldn't be a failure of reading comprehension, it would be a failure to understand that the weird instruction inserted randomly in the middle of a block of text was actually supposed to be a serious instruction.

Yes, you have started at the beginning. This is as good as it gets - in fact it goes downhill fast from there

You think he's using it incorrectly, but all your investigation has shown nothing, right? So quite probably he's being punished for doing nothing wrong. This is not the way to foster trust and respect for your rules. IF it can be shown he is misusing his phone, then losing phone privileges would be appropriate. But as all you have is suspicion, it's drastic overreach.