This is just weird ass behavior. I’ve had friends at work try and show me pictures of there GFs and it’s weird as hell I don’t want to see her naked and then see her at the company picnic. It’s a weird flex when people do this to think they are cool, honestly makes me lose All respect for them

I believe he will avoid IL

I just don’t know if he can keep it up

As someone who loves this place and is white, she has been hot and cold with me as well over the years. I get Seinfeld soup nazi vibes sometimes where it’s order, pay, wait quietly and other times it’s more friendly.

Overall I try not to read much into it, I’m not trying to make friends I just want a BEC on a croissant, friendly ness is a plus but not needed for me.

Silver gold, I play dva into Zarya every time. Watch the bubbles they fry her. Only problem is 50% of the time my dps goes bastion and tries to melt her. I ignore her 80% of the time unless I see she burned bubbles.

A lot of times I’ll type in chat to watch her bubbles or something and it helps. Just do it in a nice way.

Map dependent sometimes it’s as easy as staying under where they can’t get you, sometimes it’s a tracer or sombra who are harder to hit.

I like echo into pharmercy for dps and as a healer bap it illair

Yeah it’s probably not suppose to be the norm but I wouldn’t be shocked if most people try and do this.

The city isn’t perfect and there is a lot I wish we could fix, and a ton to fix with parking but it just is what it is right now.

My car is registered to my address, so is my land lords as they own the house, my license does not reflect my address.

I have bills here, he pays water here. He has 2 cars with permit parking here, I pay the 3rd car. He parks here during the day for work and if he comes here at night to go out to dinner. He lives in the suburbs now.

Edit. He use to live here then started renting if that matters. But can confirm 3 cars registered here as I pay $70 I believe for my parking and he pays $30 for 1 car and $50 for the other

Sure. I’ve never said the parking is great but it isn’t normally this bad. It’s definitely worse at night and early morning.

If it makes you feel better the PPA has been out in full force the last two weeks. Ticketing tons of cars but to be honest I never remember if we like or hate the PPA but I will say I have noticed a stronger presence the last two weeks.


I live on the block. It’s rare that all 4 corners look like this at the same time. Do people park like this? Yes, is it always this bad? No

To think the BSR has nothing to do with parking on surrounding streets is wild but whatever. Have a nice day.

Part of the issue with this is also if you rent, often times landlords who work in the area who rent a house will keep 1-2 permits on a house for when they drive into a city so the tenant is paying the 3rd /4th price for there car.

I am in no way defending this, but this is because of the broad street run, not saying it doesn’t normally happen but it’s never this bad.

All the cars are forced to go somewhere with no plan for them to go, not saying they should do this but the city should open garages or something for these people on this day so we don’t run into this issue.

I’d would definitely miss him, and yea he is world class but at times it feels like he doesn’t want to be here, I just feel like he’s gonna leave at some point that we need to strike while we can and get more pieces around Bowen and kudus.

If they build correctly we can be a top team for years to come and have people want to come here or we can go back to fighting off relegation.

Sell paq use the money.

Yes but as the guy above said with the fiat. Sometimes you can’t help it. Cars aren’t all the same size. If he had to park in a tight spot with no room behing him and he’s 2 feet from the fiat. When it leaves it does look like he parked like a jerk.

Correct but you assume they care, some people just wanna play and like ranked cause you play offense and defensive. They are gold so they aren’t awful but don’t really wanna grind to higher ranks.

Anyone gold and under who blames teammates every game really needs to look in the mirror. You’re hardstuck for a reason, it’s not always teammates.

It’s not that hard, park your car, average car length is about 15 feet. If you park in a spot say 35 feet long. Park in the back or front not the middle.

Also parking isn’t that bad normally. What happens is, cars come and go and sometimes you are parked fine and then a bigger or smaller car is parked or leaves and it makes it look like someone parked like an asshole. When in reality they didn’t

You opened the relationship before and opened Pandora’s box. He was with you and could be with anyone he found attractive. Now he can’t go back to just being with one girl. Any relationship he’s in he’s probably gonna want this unless he finds the one, you however are not the one unless you wanna add another

Sounds like a foreman(working with the tools) and 2 apprentices.

Waiting on west ham centrals spin zone

Any plans for the rest of the day lads?