He doesn't. He only copied yuto's movements not his physique.

1:it led to samuel and Johan getting captured,big deal arrested and introduction of lightning choi.

2:since when? As he said,the debut of his secret friends was at the first affiliate not before that.

3:since kouji was introduced. Even now with the lawyer and whatnot.

4: it'd be silly. Do you hear yourself? Also, I'm not dick riding,your claims are just that stupid.

Probably yeah. He has no life to get back to with his 12 year sentence, ofcourse there's his mom but the most likely outcome will he sees her after his last revenge than kills himself. That's what I think is gonna happen.

To answer your stupid ass question.

A: alliance with workers

B:Johan getting his vision cleared

C:allied forming

D:info about Daniel's family

E: gitae's intro

F:goo betraying elite

G:9th genius reveal and much more. Not the writer's fault if you can't read,why are you even complaining about Daniel's family's reaction to Daniel's growth,it was perfectly fine like did you expect them to gawk at him for the entire arc? We got info on his dad as well.

Trashy writers don't make one of the most popular webtoons of all time.

I don't really understand your point about wanting to see the second gen prepare for the fight with gun. They already did that with summit meeting 2.0,as for what they hope to accomplish, it's a great way to show their growth by having them fight the one enemy they share in common. Reading more thoroughly,this shit is full of holes.

ABSOLUTELY NOT. we are way too deep into gangism for there to be school arc in the middle of it. The only place I can see this is after gangism ends.

Y'all realise this is a man with a broken arm,who had just beaten 8 king tier characters and more than 120 people and he's against 3 more king tiers. The crewheads while exhausted still beat BH and BH is jichang level easily and you still think gun can TWO SHOT them with a broken arm and after fighting 8 king tiers? You gotta be delusional.

Gitae and kitae are the same in korean. Don't mind it.

Gen 0: gapryong.

Gen 1:seongji

Gen 2:daniel

For the villains.

Gen 0:elite

Gen 1:gitae

Gen 2:eugene.

Let's not act like he didn't beat multiple king level opponents right before with relative ease.

Gangism is better than lookism. it's not even close. Plot,characters,themes, backstories,fights,art,villains,dynamics, writing, character motives etc. Gangism is objectively better in almost all categories.

It's obvious bro's scheming something or under specific orders.

He's saving the best for the last. He can finish him off anytime now that he knows where gun lives,he just doesn't wanna use up the best of his assets on 1 guy.

The HNH group.


And lastly gitae.