That’s totally the perception that I’ve always had! Thank you guys so much for seeing me straight. It’s always cool to learn more about creatures that I misunderstood, even if it’s slightly embarrassing 😅

So mean as all get out but kinda stupid?

OP gave it the best name for sure. Mary Poppins beyblade 😂🤣😂

I’m pretty sure this is the Persephone reference, so the poster is saying they’d stay with him forever

Same with the blanket fort, it’s how the kids imagined it, not how extensive it actually was

If your wife just started reading it, how do you even know the story? Is she not your main scribe?

Yeah, I’m just saying it gets creepier when you realize how young she was when this whole thing probably started. Not that it wasn’t bad enough to begin with

Edit: Sorry, I didn’t read your whole comment, yes you’re right

Ah man, I forgot that part. You can probably add some time if you assume she didn’t get pregnant the first time 🤢🤮

I bet he was just pissed that he was a steamer filling himself and polluting his pristine city with his tourist filth /s

The guy in the pic is a neckbeard tipping his fedora and saying m’lady

Yeah, I dunno, it looks nothing like the serpent symbol to me

Yeah, I sincerely doubt he was actually there either time OR he WAS there and was unidentifiable from his pics. Have you done a reverse image search on him?

Oh my gosh, that’s so beautiful! Thank you for sharing that 😄

Not sure about the first, but I think onesies hit me the hardest

Males who call females “females” should be arrested

Buy up student loan debt, maybe find some government programs, they sure do like to spend 😂

Just health potions? Sneaky archers don’t even need magika potions, but you know I had 50

Hey, I see no reason he can’t be loaded and baked. Must’ve been some party

Yeah, ngl the fact that it’s tacos is making me think “yeah, that’s not that bad. I’d still eat that taco” 😂