:fai: Miquellan Knight :fai:

She does have the abs for it 🤔.

One of the main reasons centers around causing an apocalypse by handing over an important object to the main villain, albeit she was tricked. The second comes from people feeling that she was a terrible sister to Dipper and frequently made him sacrifice his own happiness for hers. There are other reasons she gets hate for but those are the two main ones.


Sho and Toichiro Suzuki, Mob Psycho 100.

:fai: Miquellan Knight :fai:

Miquella should’ve been the Jesus of Elden Ring not another Fromslop Griffith clone. We get it Mike Zucchini, you love Berk, maybe try reading another book once in a while.

Morgott is literally Uncle Ruckus

Miquella strokes my head and whispers sweetly in my ears while his hunky himbo half brother husband gives me a bear hug, there’s no way he can be evil.

Jason did nothing wrong, he had every reason to think that the last person seen alive with his dead girlfriend, a drug dealer who went into hiding, was the murderer.

Everyone has an army that randomly murder the Tarnished.

PUBG Dwight

Dwight, I like that he’s kind of an underdog since he’s a bit of a loser in his lore with not a lot of things going for him and I don’t know, I feel sympathetic towards him.

Bryant trying to act tough when arguing with his team over nominations, I physically can’t handle that level of cringe.

Morgott is literally Uncle Ruckus

Literally Uncle Ruckus.

She was once a force to be reckoned with but by the time the Tarnished gets to her she’s just a defenseless, mentally ill woman that’s easy to beat up and her second phase is a hologram conjured by her daughter to protect her from getting beaten up even further that is probably nowhere near as powerful as Rennala at her prime.

Morgott is literally Uncle Ruckus

They were once a family, yes.

Morgott is literally Uncle Ruckus

Because “muh free will” or some shit. Doesn’t matter if everyone hates and kills one another, lobotomizing people to not be assholes is the ultimate evil. Also the ends don’t justify the means and nuking Caelid and taking advantage of Mohg were dick moves.

Morgott is literally Uncle Ruckus


I genuinely believed Miquella was gonna be the Jesus of Elden Ring, fuck me for believing the guy that’s fighting against racism and meddlesome gods would turn out to be a bad guy all along. Speaking of Miquella being a bad guy all along, Mike Zucchini really couldn’t help himself from making a Griffith clone, could he?

Morgott is literally Uncle Ruckus

I used to think that as well but there is some evidence that might suggest the Carian bros + Radagon did step up to protect Rennala. The Alabastor Lord that spawns outside the Church of the Cuckoo might’ve come from Radahn, the Red Wolf is literally Radagon’s, and the Abductor Virgins come from Volcano Manor which is Rykard’s domain. It may not be much but they did try.

Morgott is literally Uncle Ruckus

I was prepared for him to be all like “the whole world must learn of my peaceful ways by force” not “I nuked a country because my onii-chan would rather ride his horse instead of riding me”. It’s like a weird GoT fanfic hijacked the narrative for shock value.

Morgott is literally Uncle Ruckus

Now I just feel foolish after months of stanning Miquella.

People are too enamored with his uwu outcast with a heart of gold persona and thinking he’s literally them that they can’t see that from an outside perspective he really did tick of a lot of boxes on being a murder suspect.

:fai: Miquellan Knight :fai:

Oh good, I thought I just sucked, but it’s actually that the DLC is tough and not an indication of my skill level.

Actually caring about Military Appreciation Month ❌

Using patriotism as a cover for homophobia and to shit on the libs âś…

Morgott is literally Uncle Ruckus

lol not even that, I thought I’d be helping Miquella pull a Jesus or something to save the Shadowrealm. I was a true Miquella stan and was basically OD’ing on hopium on this one.

Morgott is literally Uncle Ruckus

I genuinely believed Miquella wouldn’t be a Griffith clone. That despite having some suspicious powers he’d ultimately be a good and benevolent person that just wanted to help people. Not only that, making him be a Griffith clone just seemed so cliché that I thought it would’ve been avoided due to how lazy of a direction it would’ve been for the character. But now here I am in shambles.