I also don’t want dogs but for a different reason- I’m not gonna be able to handle it when it dies to wolves or a bear.

:atl: Atlanta Braves

No marlins? There aren’t even any in this thread because they’re too busy being depressed. They just traded away one of the most likable guys in the sport in May- and Sherman with that move proved he was full of shit all along and is just another in a long list of terrible owners, and was using Jeter as a meat shield just like LeBatard said. Not to mention spending more $ to dump Arraez than they did all offseason.

Fyi you can still play your old save with time capsule, but it won’t have any new content.

Just light a torch and start the fire with that so you can retry if it fails. 100% success rate from day 1.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a better model for parenting in your life. It’s not that different from the ideal parent figure method, which I used and it helped me. Ultimately the goal should be becoming your own parent through reparenting, and a therapist can assist in modeling that process.

I feel like the child part of me is refusing to accept reality

It’s completely natural to have a child part feel differently about something. In IFS they teach that there are no bad parts. That child part of you is holding a lot of stored hurt and pain, and needs to be heard, held, and validated. I have child parts that can be hard to convince, but mostly instead of being told what they should feel, they need to be heard and have someone witness their pain with compassion. Then the part starts to let go.

And the denial of questioning whether you experienced abuse is part of the process. I’ve mostly worked through it but it still pops up occasionally. That does get better. It helped me a lot to start saying no to my parents and letting go of trying to take care of their feelings before my own.

I agree, I had the worst medical experience of my life there, and also felt not heard. Felt like they were frustrated at me reporting new symptoms after they told me to come back if I had new symptoms. The google reviews tell the right story of that place. The medical system around here in general is overwhelmed and it seems like many places just have completely burnt out doctors that don’t actually care about helping.

:atl: Atlanta Braves

Well Jazz Chisolm Jr. recently pulled a Ricky and referred to himself in the 3rd person. “A healthy Jazz is an MVP Jazz.” He’s hitting .230 this year with a .699 OPS. He also talked shit about Miggy Rojas for being a bad player and not waking Jazz up from a nap, causing him to miss a team meeting.

:atl: Atlanta Braves

Too much emphasis on bunting and sacrificing in the playoffs. Gave away a lot of outs. To be fair he often had a worse offense than the playoff opponent, but still the mentality of “runs are at a premium in the playoffs” bit him in the ass.

But great leader, a players’ manager, and knew how to fire his team up.

I miss this song playing over the intro so much. Beautiful!

Nothing, I was replying to the part where he said it would piss off reddit potheads.

I personally have benefited from it and I know others have as well. I’m excited to see where psilocybin assisted therapy goes as I could see it really helping. Being in a professional setting will help avoid bad trips which are usually caused by user error like mixing drugs or bad psychological state. I have a friend in the field who is really excited about it. I’d guess macrodosing beats microdosing in benefits eventually.

I’m a reddit pothead with PTSD, chronic pain, anxiety and depression. This chart is accurate. Cannabis is great for trauma and mental health until it isn’t, and it’s definitely not a cure. More like a state of stasis, a buffer on your neurological system that keeps you stable until you can get to a better place.

It is still so much better than alcohol though, as a former alcoholic.

Seeing someone beg for their life is not interesting, it’s sad. This sub reminds me of faces of death sometimes.

Beginner to intermediate skill: defect
Intermediate to high skill: silent

She said in the video it’s September. Bear was looking for food for winter. Handling it perfectly would involve going indoors instead of screaming at it like it understands english.

Please ignore the people being rude. One of the things wrong with the state of American politics is people who immediately condemn people for being on the other side. Thanks for having the courage and intelligence to question your side. I’m a dirty socialist but long for the republicans to return to the days of candidates like john mccain who had integrity.

Good suggestion.. Rory Mccann (the hound from GoT) would be good as well

In the sanitarium treatment ward, same place you remove negative ones.

I’d recommend locking in positive quirks like quick reflexes. The next time you get a positive quirk it will replace one of them if not locked in.