Alan Alda was my TV replacement for an absent father

1.Amanita muscaria, 2.Ramaria larithamus, 3.Hypholoma sp. 4.Clavaria miniata.

Thanks. I have recently progressed from being guided by someone in the know to relying on my own judgement, and every bit of extra info helps.

Been pretty successful with using 3 degrees over night as the trigger to hit my spot.

I was pretty confident and then the death in Victoria got me second guessing it.

This is the only way I take mushrooms now. I need to move through the world when tripping. I have this regular hike I do where I dose in the car and then start to peak just as I get to this closed in side path that I enter to start the next section of the hike which never has anyone on it. It's become a ritual for me and it puts me in the best mindset to enjoy the experience.

:panthers_128x: Penrith Panthers

Not the way I wanted to win. Manly hard done by by the referee.

:panthers_128x: Penrith Panthers

What's the take on Ivan Cleary in the coaches box?

:panthers_128x: Penrith Panthers

You know the n word was used by the British as a slur against Pasifika people and is not just part of African American culture.

Not actually correct. Stabbings by capita is higher in US than UK so not only do you stupid fucks shoot each other more you also stab each other more.

You guys have all these guns over there and yet these people persist.