And this is why driving should take near-maximal priority in your thought-process. Think of nothing else but the road and your surroundings. No, you shouldn't be building up your groceries list while driving to the shop. No, you shouldn't plan your way while driving. No, you shouldn't think about how late/early you'll arrive.

People who drive, please fucking commit to driving when you're at it. All the little things you could be thinking about are not even remotely as important as someone else's body integrity, if it ain't about yours.

Yup! Just like the top comment here, since whales are mammals and we are too, we share structural similarities.

In the same way, look at a bat's skeleton. You'll find that they have five fingers just like us, and those are very long and thin and act as the wing's structure.

Yup, it's even got a name: disaster fatigue

The best thing I've done for around 6 months as of now is to uninstall any newspapers app on my phone, and only read about local news.

Best decision so far, I'd rather learn that a local farmer lost a cow (that, for once, I may be the one to find it, which gives me power over what I read about) than read about people getting gutted alive x thousands of km from where I stand.

Conflicts will be my business once they get to my door. For now, I've got my own issues (yes, the infamous fIrSt WoRlD iSsUeS) to deal with.

Ugh, that shiver. That tingle I get when I read about the very finest of inhumane people. That burning, soul scorching urge to have these specimens removed from existence. Not dead, absolutely fucking erased from the very grand thing of our Universe. A painless disappearance, as no amount of pain could possibly buy them back a tenth of humanity nor forgive the pure hatred of their actions.

That twist of my soul, the pain of our collective base morals being split with the sheer violence of pure disdain and contempt for the beauty of mankind. So many neurons for such a big fucking disappointment.

I dislike these two.

What I do is the following: - keep silent - close my eyes - tilt my head forward - and I show reverence, i.e. I don't show that I am waiting for it to end. I dive into the atmosphere, that sort of "aura" brought by everyone praying, and respectfully remain at my place until it's done.

At first, I wanted to be a teacher.

But as I aged, I found my biggest gripe with work: I do from [startHour] to [endHour]. Not a minute more, calls outside of those hours can go bite get the gist: work hours are work hours, non work hours are mine.

Went to the local uni where for a week they showcased the details on post-academic jobs, went to a teacher explaining the job fully - nope, not for me. Having corrections, grades to do, exercise sheets and tests to conceive...following you home? Nah not happening. IDC about the fact that I ain't spending 8h at day in classes, nor about the 13 weeks vacation a year. I for one wouldn't have been able to keep being good-faithed throughout my career and would've ended up being the 4-business-week-to-grade teacher. I don't want to be a teacher if it'll end up in me being a bad teacher, those kids deserve better and a quality education from a good teacher.

Following days (in the same week), I had a long-lasting boy dream of being an airliner pilot. Went to the presentation of this job, got deceived: for this long I thought that pilots just took a seat and pilot the damn thing (well, thinking of it now, it was painfully obvious but remember: kid dreaming). Plus, hardly any family time (unexpected calls, multiple 2-4 days leaves for work, don't get too hyped about Christmas or stuff like that...). Suboptimal in regards to my expectations.

Getting home at the end of the day, each day, each week of my working time is a necessity to me. Even if I spend most of my evenings being a zombie on Youtube and Reddit. My place, my bed, my lover's arms are my sole healing location.

Now, CS student since I've always been kind of techy since childhood, I think I got the right choice!

I don't get it

Oh dear we are in trouble satisfied smiles

Man, I'm at the end of the day and terribly exhausted mentally so I, for now, am of no help to provide advice.

But I do hear you. Resoundingly. Thank you for unpacking a bit of what burdens you. Deal with things one after the other. We built cathedrals by putting one stone at a time! Plus, you've shown a very good sign of emotional intelligence: you acknowledge your state of mind and question it. This is some very good premises to turn things around.

You have the tools in your hands. The fact that you're trying means that your engine is running strong. Maybe struggling against the odds now, but when the road goes up, it will go downhill and from there on you can enjoy the cruise. It does get tiring, but as long as we're rolling, we're going somewhere. The sight for now is...underwhelming, I suppose.

Wishing you a very good morning/afternoon/evening, my very dear. Keep strong! Break a leg? No, break both of 'em and you better shatter your hips in the process!! Wear your strength proudly, like heroes wearing their capes!

Funniest is to reply back decades later with "I'll give you a place to mindlessly wander about"

Vengeance is the sweetest, most scrumptious cold dish when it comes to abusive parents

Layperson/Not verified Healthcare Personnel

IIRC, HPV can cause cervical cancer.

But nowadays, recent studies tend to show that HPV can also cause anal (both men and women) and penile cancer. In my country, back when I was a kid (10 years ago), girls would get an HPV shot at school. Today both boys and girls do have it.

As a kid, ultra ball everything that moves. As a teenager, went for the pokeball 'em all.

Now I mostly use color/pattern matching + master ball on either the one legendary I want to have that powerfulness feel, or the roaming one I like the most

Now THIS is commitment to be understood from A to fucking Z

In a short, clear and concise manner:

he's the ahole. You're in the right to ask him about choosing between you or his futureproof imbecilic way of thinking.

Keep your friends close to you. He's far from worth it

Yup. Most of people wouldn't be able to take care of a plant (well, cactus maybe) over the course of a whole year.

Caring for a living being over a span of 12-15 years? Lmao

Well yes, of course! There is a court only if there's someone complaining.

A gas station can definitely say "my bad" in the case of a misprice, drop the idea of reclaiming the loss and move on. Rare occurrence, but can definitely happen! As long as we don't fall into unlawful concurrent practices though, although it's more of an educated guess. If a lawyer is passing by, feel free to add precisions

I believe that's one place at which law can't have a solid, calculated base, and instead uses "common sense".

Fuel is 1.90CHF/l, you see a gas station selling for 0.19CHF/l? Obviously an error, unless you're a dense futureproof imbecile. At the very least, it's veryyy unusual. Another one sells fuel for 1.60CHF/l? Eh, debatable, could definitely make its way through a court.

I think the judge might take into account regional prices evolution for the mispriced good, concurrent the end of the day, it can heavily rely on the judge's appreciation depending on how "contentious" the wrong price is, thus not really predictable unless very, very obvious

You momma so fat she finds oil when she wears high heels

It did seem complicated as I was typing it, but I think that's because it's hard to put visualisations into words.


Look mom, a fool!

Smh those belgian believers, the Dems/Reps/Scapegoat-of-choice really did all of us dirty

First off, good thing that you're asking! It's important to take care of the stuff down there.

Go in manually, pull the foreskin back and clean it up with running water, soap and maybe some light rubbing with the fingers. Keep touch's pressure below your pain threshold of course, take the time it needs to accommodate good cleaning and a potential touch sensitivity down there, which is expected anyways to varying degrees.

Then, after the shower, don't forget to dry below the foresking too, a cloth and gentle drying will be enough.

And to minimize the amount of smegma, here's a few tips that helped me since teenagehood:

  • if you've had a sweaty day, at least jump into the shower for a rinse,
  • after masturbating or any sexual activity, don't forget to clean afterwards, also at least a good rinse and dry.

The bus successfully delivered the four horsemen of karma.

This is beyond satisfying

While I agree, I have one situation in which I won't go further down in debugging:

"Automatic Repair; your PC did not start correctly"

I probably managed to fix the thing once in the few dozens of times my/a buddy's PC had this error. They could honestly replace the Advanced Options button with a middle finger emoji lol