I can relate to some of it ..those goddamn Honda linkages continue to give my anxiety to this day. That said, I think the only thing missing is the extra large slotted screwdriver ...good for prying, popping, bopping and drifting.

Probably one of the most realistic 'alien encounter' movies I have ever seen.

My retarded villager keeps trying to take it to bed with him in the long house.

Did you set tasks at the cookhouse? They won't cook anything unless you make the recipe first and then add it to the cook list.  Imo meat soup x 20 and fish soup x10 then 4 of every vegetable soup and they will never stop cooking.

If they're really a problem with their happieness assign them as a soldier for a couple days for the +++ Warrior buff and keep someone on the fire shrine.

this is some pretty old shit but yeah..the internet agreed fist bombs woulda been launched.

Their husbands must have used the gravy boat for cereal again.

Stone cutters harvest corpses too plz.

Sounds like its flashing. This means theres a restriction in your pipe and when the water passes it, it moves into a lower pressure area that allows it to vaporize for a short bit (venturi effect)....the popping sound you hear is when the bubble re-collapses, which collapses with such enormous force it makes that sound. There is enough energy in that 'collapse' that it can cause something called cavitaion which is the metal components being eaten away.

Cavitation can do wild amounts of damage.

luck will not help you, only skill and frustration.

I did because of the goddamn level 5 boss that sent mines around the edge of the screen.

I'm alot more basic than that.. he took my right to own guns, deflated my equity, made everything more costly for me day to day and by alot (triple food prices, double gas prices, double the interest rates), hes picking fights with the wrong people and sets an example to the world the same way a kindergarten teacher would. If he just did the damn job without the antics I might feel different.

Also my kids cant get a job because of the massive 'entry level labour force' and made it so hiring preference must be given to everyone but us.

put a builder on nightshift and he will build fires for you.

set the workshop (linen comes first) to have two set of clothes on hand...your villagers will self equip. dedicated a farm field to flax.

if you can get a hunter going thats free leather and food. workshop guy makes he arrows an knives.

get a farm up and plant the potatoe things in fall, this will ensure you can make meat soup all winter (with cook shack)

if you can kill the jarl guy ..>! you can build the fire shrine which constantly buffs happiness!<

20 damn metal bars... I built mine on a perfect little hill beside my chieftan hut over looking the village.... it would seem ..when its all green the back looks like the face and mines 100% backwards aiming its but at the village D:

Just walk out in the woods or a field somewhere that you can recognize. Dump a ton of food on the ground...when its all rotten drop a 'building resources' flag and your farmers will come pick it up themselves.

Inquiring as a Canadian (so obviously I can say much lol).. but why exactly are these two dildos still on the podium? Like how did either side think 75+ caandidates who are coherent approximately 60% of the time is the best figureheads they could nominate? is it a money thing?

I use em primarily.for drilling through holes in I beam and c channel. Works like a hot damn.

I found 3 caves and have mined 2... most of my tools get recycled but occassionally they dont...(my short sword broke with no pieces left). maybe a glitch?

That said you can farm skeletons for scrap metal.. slow and not my favourite but it works.

I honestly put a dedicated warehouse guy to ore, and a building resource flag at the mine..bro was a champ carrying full loads back for me with out a cart.

Also make sure to fence the mine cuz i think those smokers can steal your ore.

They might be saving the blooms for an item in the que that requires more than 1?

I worry a bigger radius will make it tougher to keep your townsfolk safe. there are a lot of over lapping danger spots.