Ahhhh sorry I get you, triple 19 etc. right sorry I thought it was a mistake with the outer bull. Understood!

High points of inner ring doesn’t make sense

In addition to the yellow/black slices; Dartboards have an outer ring, and inner ring, then the outer bull and inner bull (bullseye)

Basically there was like no Infrastructure due to Eastern Bloc and so they didn’t have to remove old shit and upgrade piece by piece like a lot of other nations which adds time and expense

They just laid a fuckton of modern infrastructure down. Job done

Yeah it really is

I bought it like 10(?) years ago and forgot about it, its got a new lease of life now!

Picked up Celeste in the Steam Sale and it’s got me hankering for good Platformers. Started playing some Mark of the Ninja on my deck as well.

Other than that? Civ V

Bet he has a few of those little 5G Radiation blocking USB sticks dotted around his house too

No, didn’t want to after the base game was so bad. Then Rome 2 came out and TW died

Urgh, hated Shogun TW2

Heres my field of Peasants against your Peasants, oh I told mine to shout so yours ran away. Look I gave my guy a new helmet.

Beginning of the end for TW imo

Yeah but Brighton fans are not deluded into thinking they’re a big team

People are going to compare the amount of content in your game to the competitors and weigh it up

Personally I think you’re going to get massively overlooked by the ~100K people who already wishlisted the new Greenheart Games Tavern Keeper game which does look way more complete. Right now your game looks like you just build a shell, sorry I don’t want to be negative

Also, did you pay for your Music? I think it is definitely ripped off from Talisman 4th Edition (Listen here) so be careful with that…