"Sealed divorce records" isn't a thing. He's still married, and you're his side piece. 

You'll owe personal property taxes on it dating back to when they were last due, plus penalties. 

Democracy was already dead, but it really took 2 in the back of the head today. 

You won't be getting that money back. Don't loan money to friends or family, because friends and family almost never pay you back. 

Except it isn't up to you to decide when someone's had enough surgery, or to police the doctors when you think someone's had enough. 

You'll have a high rate no matter what,  with your scores. 

For me, it was all the commas before the word "and." 

Trump only did better for one night because there was no audience, and no one cheering him on and encouraging a long-winded rant that would go on a bunch of strange tangents. 

He thinks the human body has a battery with finite energy, and that exercising drains that battery - which is why he refuses to exercise.  

Wake me when something actually happens to this obstructuonist twat. 

I would leave. I couldn't stay with someone who laughed along with the people making fun if me and calling me stupid. He's not it. 

Even better, yell "Stop touching me there, strange person! I don't know you!" 

I'm absolutely a liberal! I believe in equality and peace and love, and in being involved in my community. I've volunteered at animal shelters, and I'm well-known in my small town as being a super nice, friendly, helpful person who would never act like a dick to anyone. 

I'm in sales and finance, so I talk to lots of people every day, both in person and on the phone. I'm outgoing and open and honest, but I'm doubtful that you are. 

I do find it weird, though, that you went back 4 months into my comment history, dreged up an old comment of mine, and came here to (try to) insult me. It didn't work -  my feelings aren't hurt, and now I'm just rather amused at you, while also feeling a bit sorry for you. 

Stay classy, bruh.

  1. They won't be able to pay the fines

  2. They will have a place to sleep

  3. Rinse and repeat

I had this class my junior year of high school. It was called Consumer Math, and I took it because I barely passed Algebra 2. That class was much more valuable to me than any other form of math that I've never really needed in my day-to-day life.

We should tell them it's in April, because that's when Hitler was born. Maybe that would shut them up.